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Article of S.Sapelnikov and P.Vengerov

Jan 3, 2010 / Comment

The work of Sergey Sapelnikov and Petr Vengerov on Short-toed Eagle in the Voronezh State Biosphere Reserve /map/ is presented here thanks to help of Prof. Viktor Belik:

• Сапельников С.Ф., Венгеров П.Д., 2008 – Змееяд в Воронежском заповеднике [Short-toed Eagle in Voronezh Reserve] // Материалы регионального совещания “Проблемы ведения Красной книги”. Липецк: ЛПГУ. – С. 102-107. (Ru).

Short-toed Eagle. Sergey Sapelnikov. 2009


2009’s photos from Bernard Joubert

Jul 19, 2009 / 1 Comment

These scenes of life in Short-toed Eagles’ nest were fixed by Bernard Joubert in Haute-Loire /map/ this year:

Some photos of a succesful attempt somewhere in France

Short-toed Eagle. Bernard Joubert. 2009

Area: southern Auvergne. Altitude: 870 m above sea level. Tree: pine Pinus sylvestris. Height: 6 meters.

The egg was laid near the 8th of April, the hatching happened around the 24th of May. The young bird took off the 30th of July, early afternoon. He was 67 days old. It was the twelfth succesful take-off in this site in 14 years.
The first visit – very discreet-happened when the chick was 10 days old. Between the 21th of June and the 30th of July, nine observatory sessions (circa 30 hours). Here is a photografic summary.

Bernard Joubert