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La Plume du Circaète n° 8

Sep 9, 2010 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

A new number of the La Plume du CircaèteShort-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} has seen the light in August 2010.

The list of contents (Fr):

Suivi / Conservation 2 »

Synthèse nationale 2009 2; Parc national des Cévennes 3; Puy-de-Dôme 6; Franche-Comté 7; Hautes-Alpes 8; Bretagne 9; Bouches-du-Rhône 9; Dangereuse capture des reptiles 10

Observations dans l’Hérault 13 »

Menaces 21 »

Tirs et électrocutions 21

International 22 »

Les circaètes en Ukraine 22; Histoire d’un circaète captif 24

Sensibilisation 26 »

Convention LPO/ONF en Isère 26; Rencontres des réseaux 27; Un réseau aigle botté 27; Un dépliant circaète ? 28; Hommage à Françoise Gérardin 28; Rapaces de France 28


Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at Italy in 2010

Mar 17, 2010 / 3 Comments
Short-toed Eagle (CIRCAETUS GALLICUS) / by PETRETTI F. 1986

The first Short-toed Eagle in Maremma /map/ was observed on the 5th of March in Ansedonia (Grosseto). On the 14th of March 1 pair was in its nesting territory in Tolfa hills (Roma)/map/: the male was performing a “wing flap display”. The weather now is fine but the temperature is low and approaches zero degree during the night. No snakes at all, maybe the eagles are able to survive without food for few days or to rely on toads?