The presented fact file is quite outstanding because it is mainly based on information collected in India, a region with the great sedentary Short-toed Eagle population. Despite the fact that the species biology in the region is definitely of great interest, too few data on it is currently available. Consequently, this information sheet contains details which could be fairly surprising for European researchers. Secondly, this is simply a good example of an informative poster. The file can be found on the Ela Foundation website.
Category: Photos ›
Monitoring of STE in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, 2016
Dec 25, 2016 / CommentThe latest annual review of Cédric Arnaud:
• Cédric ARNAUD, 2016 – Suivi du Circaète Jean-le-blanc dans les Alpes de Haute-Provence. Rétrospective 2016 [Monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the Alpes de Haute-Provence. Review for 2016]: 19 p. – (Fr) {rough translation}.
The list of contents (Fr): Résultats du suivi 2016 (résultats, répartition) – 3; Suivi de la reproduction (données chiffrées, discussion, taux de reproduction et effort de suivi, échantillon de suivi) – 6; Caractéristiques des nids identifiés (arbres supports, emplacement des nids) – 9; Régime alimentaire – 11; Demandes particulières de suivi ou d’intervention avant travaux – 12; Interventions d’information, de sensibilisation et d’échanges – 13; Fiche de dérangement – 13; Centre de soins de la faune sauvage 04-05 Aquila – 14; Observations particulières – 14; Bases de données en ligne et accessibilité aux partenaires – 15; Participants – 16; Campagne de suivi & objectifs 2017 – 17; Résumé – 18.
Meeting in Roquefixade (France), a brief review
Oct 30, 2016 / CommentAfter Langeac (2004), Nadaillac (2008), and Florac (2012) the 4th Circaetus meeting took place in Roquefixade (the Ariège Department), on October 8th and 9th, 2016. Forty naturalists involved in the monitoring of the species, found themselves there at the invitation of Nature Midi-Pyrénées and LPO Mission Rapaces, to share their experience of the studies. The total number of the meeting participants was about fifty. The program illustrated the diversity of birders’ approaches within their means and goals.
Ringing of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary
Aug 31, 2016 / CommentThe program of ringing Short-toed Eagles is continuing in Hungary; 4 individuals were tagged this year:
3 chicks were ringed in the Zemplén Hills /map/ by István Béres (ringer), József Serfőző (climber), Zoltán Turny and Gábor Papp, nests were on Pinus sylvestris. Ring codes used: blue ring with white letters; A28, A29, A30.
1 chick was ringed in the Pilis Hills /map/ by Attila Feldhoffer (ringer), Vince Schwartz and Levente Kossuth (climber). There the pair has been nesting on oak (Quercus petraea). Ring code used: A41.
According to the Ringing Centre 83 Short-toed Eagles received rings up to date. Most of them were chicks tagged with aluminum rings in nests.
Ringing is usually carried out in mid-July. Totally, 24 individuals received colour-rings in Hungary: 2013 – 3; 2014 – 7; 2015 – 10; 2016 – 4.
The very first observation came this year from the Hortobágy region on July 21. The bird was ringed in the Bükk Hills on July 20, 2014. Besides two observations of aluminium ringed individuals, and a recovery from Syria in 2000 (a bird ringed in 1993 in Tokaj, part of the Zemplén Hills and caught in Syria in 1997 during spring migration) this year’s colour-ringed observation was the first when the bird could be identified. According to recommendations of Gábor Papp, local nature photographers are taking pictures of Short-toed Eagles even from a great distance to be able to check a ring presence and for filling a kind of database of their individual appearances.
La Plume du Circaète n° 12
Jun 11, 2016 / CommentThis year’s issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète is currently available – (Fr) {rough translation}. The list of contents is in English (En) this time, thanks to Ferenc and Gábor Papp:
Short-toed Eagles in Flanders (Belgium)
May 31, 2016 / CommentThe following extended descriptions of observations of Short-toed Eagles in Flanders /map/ (the nothern portion of Belgium) are available on the Natuurpunt website (Nl):
• Wouter FAVEYTS, 2010 – 2010: een superjaar voor Slangenarend in Vlaanderen [2010 – a bumper year for Short-toed Eagle in Flanders] // Natuur.oriolus, 76(4): pp. 132-134. – . The article contains English and French summaries.
…and other texts:
• Dominique VERBELEN, 2014 – Slangenarend Jacobus zorgt voor spektakel in de Kalkense Meersen [Short-toed Eagle makes a show in Kalkense Meersen] //
• Han LAGRING, Gerald DRIESSENS, 2015 – Slangenarend op bedevaart in Groot Schietveld [Short-toed Eagle on a pilgrimage in Groot Schietveld] //
Summary of work in 2015 by JP. and I. Malafosses
Mar 31, 2016 / CommentThis time the traditional summary on monitoring and conservation of Short-toed Eagles in the Cévennes National Park /map/ is supplemented with the separate English translation through the kind help of Ferenc Papp and Gábor Papp who translated the original report from French to Hungarian and then from Hungarian to English:
• Jean-Pierre et Isabelle MALAFOSSE, 2015 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc, résultats pour 2015. Suivi des Rapaces forestiers en Lozère et dans le Parc National des Cévennes [Short-toed Eagle, results for 2015. Monitoring of Raptors in Lozère and in the Cévennes National Park], rapport interne C.R.B.P.O./ P.N.C.: 10 p. –
(En) {rough translation}.