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Moulting of the biggest flight feathers of ST Eagles

Oct 31, 2013 / Comment

Recognizing the same Short-toed Eagle male (K11) from shorter and longer (0.8-0.9 km) distances based on condition of 14 the biggest flight feathers During 10 years of observations in Central Northern Ukraine (Kiev Region /map/, Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/) a lot of photos of several the same Short-toed Eagles have been taken. Some of them can be viewed in the galleries (just an example). Since Short-toed Eaglers’ the biggest flight feathers are often seen from a great distance they are easily recognizable in photos. Especially it concerns 4th-10th primaries of both wings. Accumulation of data allowed to determine inter-moulting periods of certain feathers:

K. PISMENNYI, 2013 – Short-toed Eagle. Replacement of the biggest 14 flight feathers // short-toed-eagle.netShort-toed Eagle. file (En).

First of all, the results might be of interest as additional information for recognizing individuals in the nature from year to year, together with individually typical plumage colouration and silhouettes in flight at certain angles in certain poses. Regular photographing of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding sites and foraging grounds allows to distinguish them with high probability without special marking, without stressing and often even without disturbing the birds at all.


Just some pictures from Northern Ukraine

Jun 28, 2013 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2013. Northern Ukraine

This gallery contains some photos of Short-toed Eagle taken in Northern Ukraine this year. As usual, it is planned to be updated with new pictures if I manage to take something interesting. They may be not as of high quality as of interest for Short-toed Eagle watchers. That is why all of them are commented in detail. Single eagles are named individually with alphanumeric code, for example: “A11” means bird “A” of the gallery of 2011, but “A” without a number here means that the individual has not been marked yet in previous galleries.


Francesco Petretti’s site contains info about ST Eagle

Jun 3, 2013 / Comment
Search results for «biancone» on Francesco Petretti's website

Please visit a website of Francesco It is updated weekly and you can find on it reports about observations of Short-toed Eagles in Central Italy /map/ containing some photos of them. There are several ways to get information on the subject: to search by keywords, for example, «Circaetus»; just to use the tags, such as «Short-toed Eagle» or «Biancone» etc.


Returning of Short-toed Eagle to Poland

Apr 29, 2013 / Comment
Migration birds of prey from Lublin region

After 153 days of silence GSM transmitter of the adult Short-toed Eagle female tagged in Poland in 2012 started working again in Africa on March 1st. So, Polish ornithologists could mark her spring migration route receiving coordinates of her location each hour. The route was different from the autumn one: the bird visited Greece and Ukraine where she was travelling during almost 3 weeks, maybe because of the bad weather conditions, but finally she achieved the old breeding territory in Poland /map/. Her partner was observed there on April 17th with caught snake in his beak. The female joined him 2 days later.

You can find more information about the project on the Lublin Ornithology Society website and you can see detailed descriptions of the Short-toed Eagle’s adventures on the LTO page in Facebook (Pl). Also please view the migration map:

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Winter observations of Short-toed Eagle in Crimea

Feb 10, 2013 / 1 Comment

The following observations have been made for the first time in the history of studies in the Crimean Peninsula. The point, Cape Chauda /map/, is located strictly at the 45th parallel.

BESKARAVAYNYI M. 2012. Crimean PeninsulaWhile counting geese on Cape Chauda in the southern part of the Kerch Peninsula (Crimea, Ukraine) we have observed a young Short-toed Eagle (aged less than 1 year) on January 14, 2013. Then at the same location two individuals (male and female) in juvenile plumage too was observed on February 4, 2013. The birds were kept on a power pole surrounded by steppe.

Weather conditions in the autumn and winter of 2012/2013 years were soft, positive temperatures dominated, snowfall was rare and only for short periods. Observations in January and in February were made at above-zero temperature as well, snow cover was missing. Perhaps such weather conditions have caused Short-toed Eagles’ wintering in Crimea.

Possible prey items on Chauda: Steppe Viper (Vipera renardi); the snake is common there, but in warm winters can be active and can appear on the surface of the ground – we have seen them in previous winters; also voles couldn’t be excluded.

S. P. Prokopenko, M. M. Beskaravaynyi

Story of Short-toed Eagle ringed by Francesco Petretti

Jan 20, 2013 / Comment

A story of life and death of one Short-toed Eagle ringed by Francesco Petretti in Western Central Italy /map/ in 1989 is represented below:

The eagle was born on the 18th of May 1989 in Tolfa Hills, 40 km north of Rome. The parental pair built the nest on a very large deciduous oak tree covered with ivy on the north facing slope of the hill, at 400 metres of altitude.

«Short-toed Eagle killing Common Whip Snake» by PETRETTI F.

On the 27th of June 1989 P0845 reached the maximum weight of 1,800 grams, then the weight decreased, as it is usual among fledging eagles in the study area, and on the 17th of July, when the eagle left the nest, she weighed 1,680 grams. She was fitted with a backpack radio for ground telemetry and moved within the home range for a couple of months. Contact with her was lost on the 20th of September 1989, when the eagle probably left the area to reach the wintering ground in Africa.

On the 16th of September 2012 the body of P0845 was found dead at a distance of only 9 km from the ringing site. The body was brought to the Raptor Center in Vico Lake Nature Reserve, but death causes are unknown. P0845 was at least 23 years and 4 months old and I suppose this is a longevity record for the species.


GSM tracking of Short-toed Eagle from Poland

Sep 19, 2012 / 1 Comment
Migration birds of prey from Lublin region

Adult Short-toed Eagle female was equipped with a GPS-GSM logger in the southern part of Lublin Province /map/ (south-eastern Poland) this year. She started the autumn migration quite early. Detailed information is available on the Lublin Ornithology Society site. The migration map can be viewed here. Please note: each red point on the map is provided with a detailed comment.