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Modelling the destribution of Short-toed Eagle

Jul 29, 2010 / Comment

Two texts dedicated to distribution of Short-toed Eagle are brought to your attention:

• Germán M. López-Iborra, Rubén Limiñana, Diego Pavón and José E. Martínez-Pérez, 2010 – Modelling the distribution of Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in semi-arid Mediterranean landscapes: identifying important explanatory variables and their implications for its conservation // European Journal of Wildlife Research. Original paper. Published online first (En).

BBL project "Klimaatwijken", 2008 – A climatic atlas of European breeding birds. Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)Short-toed Eagle. file (En). This document can be found on the Lokale actie page of the Natuurpunt website. The climate change theme has already been touched on our site.


G.P. Dementiev’s description of C. gallicus heptneri

May 31, 2010 / Comment
G. Dementiew - Bemerkungen über die geographische Variation des Schlangenadlers

We would like to present a work of Georgiy Petrovich Dementiev published in 1932 in Ornothologische Monatsberichte:

• G. Dementiew, 1932 – Bemerkungen über die geographische Variation des Schlangenadlers [Comments about the geographic variations of Short-toed Eagles] // Ornothologische Monatsberichte, Bd.40, № 6, S.172-173. (De).

This work was dedicated to geographical variations of Short-toed Eagle. The Circaetus gallicus heptneri subspecies was described in the article. It is more often considered now as a clinal variation, but however the article is still of interest and therefore it has been translated to English and to Russian with help of our friends.


Viktor Belik’s article on behaviour of Short-toed Eagle

Mar 31, 2010 / 1 Comment

Viktor Belik - Demonstrative and hunting behavior of Short-toed Eagle. Figure 1A new article on Short-toed Eagles’ demonstrative and hunting behaviour is presented here by kind consent of the author – Viktor Belik. The article is planed to be published in next issue of the Strepet ornithological journal. This is a generalized result of 40 years’ field observations.

• Виктор Белик, 2009 – Особенности демонстративного и охотничьего поведения змееяда [Demonstrative and hunting behaviour of Short-toed Eagle] // Стрепет. Т.7 − Вып. 1-2 − С. 50–61 (Ru).


Report for Puy-de-Dôme Department. 2009

Mar 23, 2010 / Comment

An annual report on the monitoring of Short-toed Eagles in Puy-de-Dôme Department (France) /map/ is available on the LPO Auvergne website:

Matthieu Bernard, 2009 – Bilan de suivi du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc (Circaetus gallicus) dans le département du Puy-de-Dôme en 2009 [Review of the Short-toed Eagle monitoring in Puy-de-Dôme Department in 2009] – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).