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Short-toed Eagle breeding biology in NW India

Aug 31, 2017 / Comment

Ritualised behaviour between the female and male Short-toed Snake Eagle / by D. MoriAn article about breeding of Short-toed Eagles in Surendranagar District /map/ has been published in the Indian BIRDS – Journal of South Asian Ornithology this year. Such releases are always of great interest because observation data on Indian Short-toed Eagles are rarely available on the Web:

• Devvratsinh MORI, Raju VYAS & Kartik UPADHYAY, 2017 – Breeding biology of the Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus // Indian BIRDS. Vol. 12, No. 6: pp. 149-156. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


A couple of Short-toed Eagle stories from Belarus

Jul 31, 2017 / Comment

The artificial platform for Short-toed Eagle nestingHere are some brief reports about Short-toed Eagles in different regions of Belarus. The first one was prepared by nature photographer Pavel Lychkousky and contains a lot of beautiful pictures of the birds at their nest. The nest was found in the vicinity of Ivatsevichy town /map/ this year. The author of the second one is Denis Kitel, known Belarusian expert in local birds of prey. The north of Vitebsk Region /map/ is an area of his work now (Ru):

• Павел Лычковский, 29.VI.2017 – Один день из жизни змееядов [One day of Short-toed Eagle life] //

A picture of Short-toed Eagle nest taken with Go ProShort-toed Eagle in flight - view from above• Денис Китель, 06.VII.2017 – Красноборские змееяды: первые положительные результаты [Short-toed Eagles of Krasnyi Bor: initial positive results] // This story has a continuation which is described a little at the Film Studio «Aves» Facebook community.


Photos of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2017

Jun 30, 2017 / Comment

PISMENNYI K. 2017. Northern UkraineCompiling of the next annual gallery has been started, the gallery of photos taken in different regions of Northern Ukraine this year. Each Short-toed Eagle identified individually is indicated, as always, in captions by a letter and a year of the first representation in photo galleries on the site. The collection will be updated after the season.


About the first nesting in Switzerland once again

Jun 30, 2017 / Comment

The article by Lionel Maumary and others contains the detailed description of the first ST Eagle breeding in Switzerland /map/ in 2012, observations of the breeding biology and the diet data particularly:

Pictures of the Short-toed Eagle pair taken in 2008, 2010 and 2012 by Lionel Maumary and others• Lionel MAUMARY, Hubert DUPERREX, Jacques CLOUTIER, Laurent VALLOTTON, 2013 – Première nidification du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc (Circaetus gallicus) en Suisse – Observations sur la biologie de reproduction, en particulier le régime alimentaire [The first nesting of Short-toed Snake Eagle in Switzerland – Observations of the reproductive biology, and the diet] // Nos Oiseaux, 60: pp. 3-24. (Fr) {rough translation}.


Short-toed Eagle in the NW of Smolensk Region

May 31, 2017 / Comment

The article by Marina Sidenko dedicated to that case of Short-toed Eagle breeding on an artificial platform in the national park "Smolenskoe Poozerje" /map/ was published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал). Also, her work in cooperation with Viktor Belik is worthy of the special attention (Ru):

• Марина СИДЕНКО, 2017 – Гнездование змееяда Circaetus gallicus на искусственной гнездовой платформе в национальном парке «Смоленское Поозерье» [Nesting of the Short-toed Snake Eagle on an artificial platform in the National Park "Smolenskoe Poozerje"] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 26, Экспресс-выпуск 1427: 1372-1375. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Марина СИДЕНКО, Виктор БЕЛИК, 2012 – О гнездовании змееяда на северо-западе Смоленщины [On breeding of the Short-toed Eagle in the NW part of the Smolensk Region, western European Russia] // Орнитология, Вып. 37: С. 118-123. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.


Breeding biology & interactions of STE & LLB in Israel

May 30, 2017 / Comment

The recently accepted article of Guilad Friedemann and others is a result of the study of interspecific interactions between Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards and their breeding in the Judean Slopes /map/:

• Guilad FRIEDEMANN, Yossi LESHEM, Lior KEREM, Avi BAR-MASSADA & Ido IZHAKI, 2017 – Nest-site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two recently sympatric apex predators // Ibis. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/ibi.12498; the Supplementary online material – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


La Plume du Circaète n° 13-14-15

Apr 30, 2017 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

This issue of La Plume du CircaèteShort-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} contains materials of the 4th meeting of the Short-toed Snake Eagle French national network, conducted in Roquefixade (Ariège) on October 8-9, 2016. The list of contents (En):

· 4 years of observations on 30 sq. km in Aveyron
· Monitoring of a population on an area of Ariège
· Monitoring in the Marseille region
· Study of a reproduction using a photo-trap
· Monitoring, research and conservation in the Alpes de Haute-Provence
· Short-toed Snake Eagle in forest management
· Three behaviours: nest change; interspecific relationships; festoon flights
· General review of monitoring in the Aude
· Ageing of Short-toed Eagle chicks

Many thanks to Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Manon Munoz, Renaud Nadal and all the authors of the bulletin for sharing knowledge!