Please get detailed information about the September Conference on Short-toed Eagle: Sotto il segno del biancone [Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle] – (It).
Many thanks to Francesco Petretti for sharing this!
Please get detailed information about the September Conference on Short-toed Eagle: Sotto il segno del biancone [Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle] – (It).
Many thanks to Francesco Petretti for sharing this!
Some news about the migration of ST Eagles in the Italian Peninsula.
Guido Premuda‘s has been complemented with new papers (It) on the Bibliography page. They all are dedicated to observations of migratory birds of prey in the Apuan Alps /map/ during several consecutive seasons, including records of numerous Short-toed Eagles:
• PREMUDA G., 2011 – La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane (LU): campo autunno 2011 [The migration of birds of prey in the Apuan Alps: autumn camp 2011]. Infomigrans, 28-2011. – .
• PREMUDA G., 2012 – La migrazione sulle Alpi Apuane (LU): campo Biancone Primavera 2012 [The migration in the Apuan Alps: spring Short-toed Eagle camp 2012]. Infomigrans 29-2012. – .
• PREMUDA G., 2013 – La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane: campo Biancone primavera 2013 [The migration of birds of prey in the Apuan Alps: spring Short-toed Eagle camp 2013]. Infomigrans 31-2013. – .
• PREMUDA G., 2013 – Alpi Apuane (LU): campo Biancone settembre 2013 [The Apuan Alps: September Short-toed Eagle camp 2013]. Infomigrans 32-2013. – .
• PREMUDA G. & FRANCHINI M., 2014 – Alpi Apuane (LU): campo Biancone settembre 2014 [The Apuan Alps: September Short-toed Eagle camp 2014]. Infomigrans 34-2014. – .
This spring Egidio arrived in his birthplace again. This is a young male Short-toed Eagle fitted with a satellite transmitter in Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato /map/ in 2013 within the project which had been started with participation of Ugo Mellone yet in 2010 and later continued by Giuseppe Lucia.
Short-toed Eagles in Cévennes National Park /map/, review for the previous year:
• Jean-Pierre et Isabelle MALAFOSSE, 2014 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc, résultats pour 2014. Suivi des Rapaces forestiers en Lozère et dans le Parc National des Cévennes [Short-toed Eagle, results for 2014. Monitoring of Raptors in Lozère and in the Cévennes National Park], rapport interne C.R.B.P.O./P.N.C.: 14 p. –
(Fr) {rough translation}.
Thanks a lot to Jean-Pierre and Isabelle for sharing the remarkable results of their outstanding large-scale work in the region!
There are some fresh videos for April: three of them have been made with the camera installed at a nest of Short-toed Eagles in Israel /map/ by Guilad Friedemann.
The last two ones were taken from a distance in Northern Ukraine /map/ by me. Please note that all the clips are available in HD quality.
This time fossil remains of an ancient species of Circaetus were found in the vicinity of the Varshets town (Northwestern Bulgaria) /map/. This species had lived in SE Europe about 2.2-2.4 millions of years ago:
• Z. Boev, 2015 – An Early Pleistocene Snake Eagle, Circaetus haemusensis sp. n. (Aves, Accipitriformes) from Varshets, Northwestern Bulgaria // Acta zool. bulg., 67 (1): pp. 127-138. – (En).
The current article, like the prevous one, is represented on a website of the journal Acta zoologica bulgarica.
Many thanks to Guilad Friedemann for kind information about a new project of the KKL Fund – HD Web camera at a nest of Short-toed Eagle in Israel /map/. The online stream and a brief description of the project are available in Hebrew now, the English translation will appear soon. Besides, you can find texts about Guilad’s research in English and in Hebrew, view current data on observations of STE in the country and enjoy a video recently recorded with the installed camera; more clips are also listed on this page now. So help you Google Translate!
UPD May 1st, 2015: the Facebook community has been created for uploading and watching video clips made with the camera.
The long-awaited next issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète has come out – (Fr) {rough translation} at long last!
The list of contents (Fr):
Suivi et conservation 2 »
Parc national des Cévennes: protection et nidification 2; Suivi dans les Alpes 4; Le circaète dans l’Aude 5; 12 ans de suivi en Isère 6; Exigences écologiques 7; Oiseaux et lignes éléctriques 11
Etude des comportements 12 »
Gestion des conflits 12; Que font-ils au nid ? 13
International 14 »
Reproduction en Israël 14; Feeding ecology 15
Yves BOUDOINT (†) 16 »