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Posts tagged ‘chick’

Life of Short-toed Eagles in photos by Bernard Joubert

Feb 19, 2017 / Comment

JOUBERT B. 2010-2016. Haute-LoireThese amazing pictures and text were published in the latest La Plume du Circaète. Few of them were included in the previous galleries of Bernard Joubert on our site. Then, several new photos taken in March 2016 have been added and described by the author. Many thanks to him for sharing the pictures and especially for detailed comments on them, also to Ferenc and Gábor Papp for their kind help in the translation!

Moments of life

During these 20 years, while we have been following the Short-toed Eagles, we could obtain numerous pictures taken in ideal conditions, some of which we later published, however, I never played with the thought seriously that I should take advantage of it since photography is very laborious and has little use in conservation.

Nevertheless, in 2010, I decided that I would give it a try at a nest site where I could do it without any disturbance. In January, I built a hide, which I dug in the ground about twenty metres from the nest. I made a frame of beech and covered it with smaller pine branches. This nest site seemed to attract this particular pair, they visited it during last autumn several times.

I made myself comfortable in the hide in the first days of March, not knowing how remarkable moments and wonderful events of the everyday life I would experience soon.

I used a quite mediocre Nikon camera with 110 mm equivalent focus length*, but still I could record their whole breeding cycle except incubation without being noticed by them.

I would like to share a few pictures…

Bernard Joubert

* – also, photos taken with Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 are included.


Short notes on Short-toed Eagles in Russia and Belarus

May 31, 2013 / Comment
One of Short-toed Eagle nests observed by Dr. V. Ivanovski in Vitebsk Region. Photo by wildlife photographer Kestutis Chepenas, 2009

These notes have been published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал):

• М. В. Патрикеев, 2008 – О кормлении птенца змееяда Circaetus gallicus [Notes about feeding a chick of Short-toed Eagle] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 17, Экспресс-выпуск 419: 765-766. (Ru) /map/. The first publication: Патрикеев М.В., 1988 – О кормлении птенца змееяда // Тез. докл. 12-й Прибалт. орнитол. конф. Вильнюс: 175-176.

• В. С. Жуков, 2012 – Змееяд Circaetus gallicus, могильник Aquila heliaca и другие редкие птицы на севере Новосибирской области [Short-toed Eagle, Imperial Eagle and other rare birds in the north of Novosibirsk Region] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 21, Экспресс-выпуск 792: 2149-2161. (Ru) /map/.

• Г. В. Линдеман, 2013 – Змееяд Circaetus gallicus в Волжско-Уральском междуречье [Short-toed Eagle in a region between the Volga and the Ural Rivers] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 22, Экспресс-выпуск 839: 154-155. (Ru) /map/. The first publication: Линдеман Г.В. 1986 – Краткие сообщения о змееяде (Уральская область) // Редкие животные Казахстана. Алма-Ата: 111-112.

Also please pay attention to the short text regarding the first observation of Short-toed Eagle in Eastern Trans-Baikal:

• О. А. Горошко, 2012 – Первая встреча змееяда Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin, 1788) в Восточном Забайкалье [The first record of Short-toed Eagle in Eastern Trans-Baikal Region] // Байкальский зоологический журнал, n° 3 (11): С. 135. (Ru) /map/.


Photographing Short-toed Eagle nest in Haute-Loire

Jun 12, 2012 / 1 Comment
JOUBERT B. 2012. Haute-Loiret

These photos, like previous ones, were taken by Bernard Joubert from his hide in Haute-Loire. This year is difficult for Short-toed Eagles because of bad weather conditions. Nevertheless in June the pair already has the chick and takes care of it with a great attention. Let’s hope the chick will grow up and will leave the nest successfully.