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Posts tagged ‘migration route’

Natural effects on Short-toed Eagle migration

Nov 28, 2016 / Comment

Two papers about effects of the wind and the large water surface on Short-toed Eagle migration have been prepared by Spanish and Italian researchers and released this year:

• Javier VIDAL-MATEO, Ugo MELLONE, Pascual LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, Javier DE LA PUENTE, Clara GARCÍA-RIPOLLÉS, Ana BERMEJO, Vicente URIOS, 2016 – Wind effects on the migration routes of trans-Saharan soaring raptors: geographical, seasonal, and interspecific variation // Current Zoology, 62: pp. 89-97. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En). This thorough article can be found on the University of Valencia website.

Nicolantonio AGOSTINI, Marco GUSTIN & Michele PANUCCIO, 2016 – Short-toed snake eagles Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin, 1788) (Aves: Accipitridae) approaching a water barrier show reverse direction of migration // Italian Journal of Zoology, DOI: 10.1080 / 11250003.2016. 1240833. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/. The paper is available on a website of Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network.


GPS tagging of Short-toed Eagles in Israel. Video

Jul 23, 2014 / Comment
The amazing migration of the Judean Short-toed Eagle. Video by Guilad Friedemann (available in HD quality)

One more contribution from Guilad Friedemann. This time it is a video presentation. Using Google Earth tools Guilad invites us to follow David, one of the Short-toed Eagles tagged with the special GPS-loggers, from his home range in the Judean Foothills /map/ to the wintering grounds in Sudan. The virtual tour on his migration route is amazing!


Returning of Short-toed Eagle to Poland

Apr 29, 2013 / Comment
Migration birds of prey from Lublin region

After 153 days of silence GSM transmitter of the adult Short-toed Eagle female tagged in Poland in 2012 started working again in Africa on March 1st. So, Polish ornithologists could mark her spring migration route receiving coordinates of her location each hour. The route was different from the autumn one: the bird visited Greece and Ukraine where she was travelling during almost 3 weeks, maybe because of the bad weather conditions, but finally she achieved the old breeding territory in Poland /map/. Her partner was observed there on April 17th with caught snake in his beak. The female joined him 2 days later.

You can find more information about the project on the Lublin Ornithology Society website and you can see detailed descriptions of the Short-toed Eagle’s adventures on the LTO page in Facebook (Pl). Also please view the migration map:

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Papers of Guido Premuda and Luca Baghino published

Dec 27, 2011 / Comment

Two articles are available in the Bibliography section of Guido Premuda‘s website

PREMUDA G., 2010 – Trends at a roost of Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus over ten years // Avocetta 34: 63-64. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

PREMUDA G., BAGHINO L., GUSTIN M. & BORIONI M., 2010 – Data on spring migration of immature Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus through the Central Mediterranean route (Italy, Tunisia) // Avocetta 34: 65-68. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg’s satellite telemetry

Jan 20, 2006 / Comment

Articles of Bernd-Ulrich and Christiane Meyburgs dedicated to the satellite telemetry of migrating Short-toed Eagles (source – website of Bernd-U. and Christiane Meyburg – Raptor Research):

Meyburg, B.-U., & C. Meyburg, 1999 – NASA-Satelliten im Dienste der Vogelforschung: Mit dem Schlangenadler nach Westafrika // Der Falke, 46: 164-177. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De).

Bernd-U. Meyburg, Christiane Meyburg & Jean-Claude Barbraud, 1998 – Migration strategies of an adult Short-toed Eagle tracked by satellite // Alauda, 66 (1): 39-48. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Guido Premuda’s works

Dec 15, 2005 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. Premuda's photo

Please read the text written by Guido Premuda together with Andrea Corso dedicated to determination of Short-toed Eagle’s age and sex by plumage characters: Il piumaggio del Biancone: età, sesso e morfismo (It) which could be used as a hand book for the field work.
Also the photo and a list of full texts of Premuda’s articles dedicated to Short-toed Eagle can be found here (the source is his own website –

• PREMUDA G., 2004 – Prime osservazioni della migrazione primaverile “a circuito” del Biancone, Circaetus gallicus, nelle Alpi Apuane // Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 74 (2): 119-124. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

• PREMUDA G., 2004 – Osservazione di un dormitorio di Biancone, Circaetus gallicus, e considerazioni sul piumaggio degli immaturi // Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 74(1): 76-80. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (translatable form).

• PREMUDA G., 2004 – La migrazione del Biancone Circaetus gallicus in Italia: stato delle conoscenze attuali. In: Atti del Convegno “Rapaci in volo verso l’Appennino” // Corpo Forestale dello Stato – Gestione ex ASFD di Lucca – Riserva Naturale Statale dell’Orecchiella, 21-24. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (translatable form).

AGOSTINI N., BAGHINO L., PANUCCIO M., PREMUDA G. & PROVENZA A., 2004 – The autumn migration strategies of adult and juvenile short-toed eagles Circaetus gallicus in the central Mediterranean // Avocetta, 28: 25-28. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• PREMUDA G., 2002 – Primi dati sulla migrazione post-riproduttiva del Biancone, Circaetus gallicus, nelle Alpi Apuane // Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 71(2): 181-186. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (translatable form).

AGOSTINI N., BAGHINO L., COLEIRO C., CORBI F. & PREMUDA G., 2002 – Circuitous autumn migration in Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus // Journal of Raptor Research., 36(2): 111-114. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) (translatable form).

AGOSTINI N., BAGHINO L., PANUCCIO, M. & PREMUDA G., 2002 – A conservative strategy in migrating Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus // Ardeola, 49(2): 287-291. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).