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Posts tagged ‘migrations’

Papers and photos on the MEDRAPTORS

Dec 27, 2009 / 1 Comment
MEDRAPTORS: Photoalbum

MEDRAPTORSMediterranean Raptor Migration Network. There is a list of different publications on the site with a new one on migrating Short-toed Eagles. Nicolantonio Agostini, Ugo Mellone, Michele Panuccio, Giuseppe Lucia, Marco Gustin are its co-authors:

• Agostini N., Panuccio M., Lucia G., Liuzzi C., Amato P., Provenza A., Gustin M. & Mellone U., 2009 – Evidence for age-dependent migration strategies in the Short-toed Eagle // British Birds 102(9): 506-508. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


New text on Short-toed Eagle on Ugo Mellone’s website

Dec 29, 2008 / Comment
Ugo Mellone, nature photography

• Agostini N., Mellone U., 2008 – Does migration flyway of Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) breeding in Central Italy reflect the colonization history? // Journal of Raptor Research, 42(2): 158-159. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

We extend our thanks to Ugo Mellone for pointing the article out. It can be found among other papers on the Research section of his website.


New section about Sameh’s study

Apr 16, 2007 / 2 Comments
Sameh's contact information

Just a few words about a section dedicated to the subject of Sameh’s research “Agricultural influences on the ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean slopes” /map/ on The Jerusalem Bird Observatory website.

The section, which can be rated as an independent site, includes such subsections as Gallery, Team, Research, Transmitters & Migration, About me and so on. You can find there notes and many photos illustrating the study development.


Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg’s satellite telemetry

Jan 20, 2006 / Comment

Articles of Bernd-Ulrich and Christiane Meyburgs dedicated to the satellite telemetry of migrating Short-toed Eagles (source – website of Bernd-U. and Christiane Meyburg – Raptor Research):

Meyburg, B.-U., & C. Meyburg, 1999 – NASA-Satelliten im Dienste der Vogelforschung: Mit dem Schlangenadler nach Westafrika // Der Falke, 46: 164-177. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De).

Bernd-U. Meyburg, Christiane Meyburg & Jean-Claude Barbraud, 1998 – Migration strategies of an adult Short-toed Eagle tracked by satellite // Alauda, 66 (1): 39-48. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).