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Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna’s videos of 2008

All 'SystemaNaturae Biancone' video results on YouTube

Enjoy new series of Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna’s videos. These clips show moments of Short-toed Eagles’ life during the breeding season of 2008. Like previous ones they are about the Eagles of the Maremma Regional Park /map/. Some of them are made by infrared camera.

Categories: Maremma Park, RIZZO PINNA Vincenzo, Videos.

2 Responses to “Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna’s videos of 2008”

  1. Dear Konstantin,

    first of all thank you very much for your words of appreciation.
    Also for me every occasion in which I observe the video documentation acquired represents always a new and suggestive emotion although I have personally lived the direct contact with these magnificent birds of prey in my land.
    Unfortunately the system of compression that Youtube applies causes a worsening of the video quality, the original clips are greater and defined, I am happy however for the possibility to put some video documentation extracts of disposition of everybody by internet.

    Yes, in 2008 reproductive season I have chosen to position one of two videocameras to some meter of distance from the nest. This has allowed to have also a vision of the departures and of the arrivals, of the flights of the adults around the nest and of the sight of the landscape in which one couple of Circaetus gallicus has nested.

    You ask me the differences among the stagion 2007 and that 2008.
    At the moment I am not able to answer precisely. I am working to the extraction and analysis of the data that I will compare with 2007 year. It is an enormous job! I hope to be able to prepare one detailed international publication that will deepen every curiosity and interest. For the moment I communicate you that the times of deposition, brooding, opened and therefore flight related to this couple result anticipated of about 10-12 days in comparison to the 2007 couple times. This year also the second couple of Circaetus gallicus observed and studied with the video cameras has anticipated. Instead the other kinds of birds of prey here in Maremma have been late slightly with the times…

  2. Konstantin says:

    Dear Vincenzo,

    First of all let me congratulate you with such excellent continuation of your work !

    When I view the videos of flying Short-toed Eagles frame by frame and notice every movement of their wings… it’s something magnificent! I can imagine how that looks without compression before the uploading to YouTube… And also the camera placing had been made extremely well. We can see approaches of the adults from a distance and then their departures. So, besides beautiful scenes at a nest we can enjoy their motions in the air.

    What can you say about differences between the seasons of 2008 and 2007? What is better and what’s worse this year?

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