Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Short-toed Eagle near Kiev. August 2008

Oct 8, 2008 / Comment

This is an adult Short-toed Eagle female. Numerous power lines pylons are situated in its hunting territory. From year to year they are used by both Short-toed Eagles of the pair as perches for hunt. The birds are not afraid of people much.

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2008

These photos were taken at a distance of 8 km from Kiev’s housing estates /map/ on August 24th (© Konstantin Pismennyi).


GREFA news 2008 and (Bèta)

Oct 6, 2008 / 2 Comments
Cría y liberación de águilas culebreras

This is the third time we bring to your attention GREFA and their successes in breeding and following release of Short-toed Eagles.

The second thing is an appearance of the website as a global version of we told about before. Please take a look at the ‘About this species’ right column menu there.


Short-toed Eagles near Marseille

Aug 23, 2008 / Comment
Photo 1 – Site de nidification, vue de l’ouest

This text about nesting Short-toed Eagles in the environs of Marseille as an example of the species adaptation to urbanization is offered by Richard Frèze:

• Richard Frèze, 2008 – Un Circaète aux portes de Marseille [Short-toed Eagle near Marseille] (Fr). Also you have a possibility to open a PDF Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation} of the article, to view /map//map/ and photos.


Short-toed Eagle chick in Mizhrichynskyi Park

Aug 3, 2008 / 1 Comment

These photos of Short-toed Eagle chick (© Konstantin Pismennyi) were made on a territory of Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscape Park /map/. The chick was 6-7 weeks old. The whole population of Short-toed Eagles is estimated now as about 10 territorial pairs.

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2008

You can read more about birds of prey of Mizhrichynskyi Park on a website of Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre. The information is prepared by Sergey Domashevsky there.

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