Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Igor Karyakin’s web project

Mar 27, 2006 / Comment

We would like to invite you to visit the website of Igor Karyakin: Russian Birds of Prey Researchers Club. General and some local /map/ information on Short-toed Eagle can be found there:

• Игорь Карякин, 1998 – Змееяд – Пернатые хищники Уральского региона. Соколообразные (Falconiformes) и Совообразные (Strigiformes). Пермь: Центр полевых исследований Союза охраны животных Урала / Социально-экологический союз: 180-189 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru).

• Г.П. Дементьев, 1951 – Змееяд (Circaetus gallicus) – Птицы Советского Союза, т.1. – М.: Сов. наука – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru).

(the source is a subsection of the site: Publications)

One more general description (Ru) (composed, in this case, by Igor Karyakin) is located in the subsection titled Articles on Species. gallery

Mar 27, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. search results for Culebrera

Here you can find some selection of photos of Short-toed Eagles on gallery. Birds are close (even very close) and distant, sitting and flying. Single and companion portraits are represented on the site with a lot of comments (Es) on them. Resolution of the images is about 600×400 px. The content of this gallery is being updated quite often, just check it from time to time.


Wintering in Spain and habitat in Greece

Mar 23, 2006 / 1 Comment

Here you can acquaint yourself with the work on the wintering of Short-toed Eagle and Booted Eagle in Spain:

• José Enrique Martínes y José Antonio Sánchez-Zapata, 1999 – Invernada de Aguililla Calzada (Hieraaetus pennatus) y Culebrera Europea (Circaetus gallicus) en España [Wintering of Booted Eagles and Short-toed Eagles in Spain] // Ardeola 46 (1): 93-96 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Es) (source – Ardeola website).

…and with the abstract of an article about Greek Short-toed Eagles:

D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, 1998 – Habitat Use by Short-Toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus and Their Reptilian Prey During the Breeding Season in Dadia Forest (North-Eastern Greece) // Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 6: 821-828 (En) /map/ (source – the JSTOR database).


Short-toed Eagle in the North of Ukraine

Mar 11, 2006 / Comment

S. M. Zhyla‘s article about nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Northern part of Zhytomyr Region (North of Ukraine):

• С. М. Жила, 1999 – Про гніздування змієїда (Circaetus ferox) на півночі Житомирщини [Notes on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in the North of Zhytomyr Region] // Поліському природному заповіднику – 30 років – Збірник наукових праць, В.1: 89-93 (Uk) /map/.
– The summary (En).

Also see below an extract from the work of V. T. Afanas’ev dedicated to ecology of Short-toed Eagle and Booted Eagle in the North of Sumy Region (north-eastern Ukraine) and in the South of Bryansk Region (Russia); and just take a look at the maps to get a notion about geographical location of the both authors’ research regions:

• В. Т. Афанасьев, 1997 – К экологии змееяда и орла-карлика на севере Сумской и юге Брянской областей [Ecology of Short-toed and Booted Eagles in the North of Sumy and the South of Bryansk Regions] // Заповідна справа в Україні, 3 (2): 57-59 (Ru) /map/.
– The summary (En). compilation

Feb 12, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. compilation

Presentation of complete information on Short-toed Eagle located on the Have a look at photos from some photographers and read one more generic description (Fr) of the species and presentation of Bernard Joubert‘s book. Also we would like to direct your attention to a part of the Histoire naturelle des oiseaux (Fr) dedicated to Short-toed Eagle (in the form of scans) and to the photos selection particularly.


Abstracts and short texts selection

Feb 4, 2006 / Comment
2 articles 2004-2005

This is just selection of links on miscellaneous texts and abstracts of articles about Short-toed Eagles. So…

Some abstracts can be found on the NCBI website with PubMed database:

• Sacchi P, Soglia D, Maione S, Meneguz G, Campora M, Rasero R, 2004 – A non-invasive test for sex identification in short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) // Mol Cell Probes, Jun 18 (3): 193-6. (En).

• Martin GR, Katzir G, 1999 – Visual fields in Short-toed Eagles, Circaetus gallicus (Accipitridae), and the function of binocularity in birds // Brain Behav Evol, 53 (2): 55-66. (En).

Short-toed Eagle. Milivoj Vuchanovich's photos
Few photos taken by Milivoj Vuchanovich with short text (En) is located among notes about Rare Birds Of Vršac Mt. (Serbia Montenegro). The same subject:
• Rašajski, J. & Vučanović, M., 1999 – Orao zmijar (Circaetus gallicus) nova gnezdarica Vršačkih planina (Sr). Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) – a new breeder of Vrsacke Mountains, fourth article with summary (En) (source – Zetna website).

The encyclopedic compilation of information (Es) among other things has extensive ornithological bibliography concerning researching of Short-toed Eagle. The source is a site of the Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles.