Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Who also paints S.t.Eagles?

Oct 29, 2007 / 2 Comments

A Short-toed Eagle painted on it’s underwing coverts with red, was seen in Jibraltar this Autumn. No one declared doing such thing and it could be someone not a researcher who has done this marking. At beginning we suspected it is one of mine, but later and after describing the marking seen, i understood it is not one of mine, and possibly not of a researcher because the mark was a huge mark with no coding method.

If anyone knows something about that please contact me at:

my previous mail ( is not longer active.

Best regards



TV interview with great videos of S.t.Eagles

Aug 28, 2007 / Comment
Interview on TV

I have been on a T.V. Interview 3 weeks ago talking about my research, on the background you can see the great photos and videos of Yossi Eshbol. It is in Hebrew but the beauty of the videos and photos everyone can understand! Best regards!


Short videos. Aggregation and rodents

Jan 20, 2007 / 2 Comments
Flocking Short-toed Eagles with tractor. Video by Sameh Darawshi

Part with aggregation: You can see here the special phenomenon in my study area /map/, where many Short-toed Eagles flying over one field (aggregation) that is being worked up by a tractor, waiting for the prey (mainly rodents!) to be exposed by the tractor so that they dive quickly on the prey.

Short-toed Eagle chasing a rodent. Video by Ron Milgalter

Part with Short-toed eagle chasing a rodent: You can see here a Short-toed Eagle chasing a rodent (Gerbil) that has succeeded to get out of a ploughing, and after a relatively long pursuit the Eagle managed to get it.

Short-toed Eagle catching a rodent. Video by Sameh Darawshi

Catching a rodent: here you can see another part where Short-toed Eagle gets a Field Vole in his talons (you can even hear the rodent screaming).