Circaetus gallicus information navigator

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Modelling the destribution of Short-toed Eagle

Jul 29, 2010 / Comment

Two texts dedicated to distribution of Short-toed Eagle are brought to your attention:

• Germán M. López-Iborra, Rubén Limiñana, Diego Pavón and José E. Martínez-Pérez, 2010 – Modelling the distribution of Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in semi-arid Mediterranean landscapes: identifying important explanatory variables and their implications for its conservation // European Journal of Wildlife Research. Original paper. Published online first (En).

BBL project "Klimaatwijken", 2008 – A climatic atlas of European breeding birds. Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)Short-toed Eagle. file (En). This document can be found on the Lokale actie page of the Natuurpunt website. The climate change theme has already been touched on our site.


Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at Italy in 2010

Mar 17, 2010 / 3 Comments
Short-toed Eagle (CIRCAETUS GALLICUS) / by PETRETTI F. 1986

The first Short-toed Eagle in Maremma /map/ was observed on the 5th of March in Ansedonia (Grosseto). On the 14th of March 1 pair was in its nesting territory in Tolfa hills (Roma)/map/: the male was performing a “wing flap display”. The weather now is fine but the temperature is low and approaches zero degree during the night. No snakes at all, maybe the eagles are able to survive without food for few days or to rely on toads?


Papers and photos on the MEDRAPTORS

Dec 27, 2009 / 1 Comment
MEDRAPTORS: Photoalbum

MEDRAPTORSMediterranean Raptor Migration Network. There is a list of different publications on the site with a new one on migrating Short-toed Eagles. Nicolantonio Agostini, Ugo Mellone, Michele Panuccio, Giuseppe Lucia, Marco Gustin are its co-authors:

• Agostini N., Panuccio M., Lucia G., Liuzzi C., Amato P., Provenza A., Gustin M. & Mellone U., 2009 – Evidence for age-dependent migration strategies in the Short-toed Eagle // British Birds 102(9): 506-508. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).