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Papers of Guido Premuda and Luca Baghino published

Dec 27, 2011 / Comment

Two articles are available in the Bibliography section of Guido Premuda‘s website

PREMUDA G., 2010 – Trends at a roost of Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus over ten years // Avocetta 34: 63-64. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

PREMUDA G., BAGHINO L., GUSTIN M. & BORIONI M., 2010 – Data on spring migration of immature Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus through the Central Mediterranean route (Italy, Tunisia) // Avocetta 34: 65-68. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Migrations of juvenile Short-toed Eagles from S.Spain

Nov 30, 2011 / Comment

The following paper was already mentioned on HoverOverUs. Now the PDF of it is available on the website:

Pavón D., Limiñana R., Urios V., Izquierdo A., Yáñez B., Ferrer M. & de la Vega A., 2010 – Autumn migration of juvenile Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from southeastern Spain // Ardea, 98 (1). P. 113–117. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/.


Summering areas of non-breeding Short-toed Eagles

Jul 26, 2011 / Comment

A new short report about summering immature Short-toed Eagles in Africa has been published. We express our gratitude to Ugo Mellone for placing the PDF version of it on his website:

Ugo Mellone, Beatriz Yáñez, Rubén Limiñana, A.-Román Muñoz, Diego Pavón, J.-Miguel González, Vicente Urios & Miguel Ferrer, 2011 – Summer staging areas of non-breeding Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus // Bird Study, iFirst: 1-6. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Short-toed Eagles in Ukraine. Photos of 2011

Jun 29, 2011 / 1 Comment
Short-toed Eagles in Ukraine in 2011
Although some photos taken by me this year in Ukraine aren’t of the highest quality, they’re interesting (at least in my opinion) and they can’t wait for the autumn to be put on the site. That is why the regular annual gallery is published right now in a bit different format. It is going to be renewed during the season of observations of Short-toed Eagles.

Konstantin Pismennyi
Shot in: Kiev Region /map/, Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/, Sumy Polissya /map/


Stories of invalid Short-toed Eagles

Apr 29, 2011 / Comment

This story is published on the Infos Étang de Berre website:

• René Coste, 2010 – Le sauvetage de «Balthazar», le circaète blessé, les amoureux des beaux oiseaux et, un vent de colère [Salvation of «Balthazar» – a wounded Short-toed Eagle]Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

It has reminded me a story of «Jeanne» – an invalid young Short-toed Eagle, which had been found at the nesting site with a broken right wing in 2008. A short article about the bird was written by me and was kindly translated by Bernard Joubert for its publication in the 8th issue of La Plume du Circaète. The eagle had lived 2 years and finally died on August 5th 2010 in the Odessa Zoo.

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Veterinarians made the post-mortem examination, which showed not only a reason of the death – the bad condition of the bird’s digestive system, but also that «Jeanne» had actually been a male. My mistake in determination of the bird’s sex had been made because of several reasons:

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Papers about Spanish Short-toed Eagles

Nov 20, 2010 / Comment

This paper is available now on a section of Publications in scientific journals of the University of Granada website:

• Gil-Sánchez J.M., Pleguezuelos J.M., 2001 – Prey and prey-size selection by the Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) during the breeding season in Granada (south-eastern Spain) // Journal of Zoology (Lond.), 255 (1): 131-137. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/.

…and an abstract of next one is placed on a website of Ardea – the official scientific journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists’ Union:

Pavón D., Limiñana R., Urios V., Izquierdo A., Yáñez B., Ferrer M. & de la Vega A., 2010 – Autumn migration of juvenile Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from southeastern Spain // Ardea, 98 (1). P. 113–117. (En) /map/.