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New texts from Italy

Oct 22, 2007 / 1 Comment

Three texts dedicated to Short-toed Eagle are presented here. They all are in different formats and knit together by the authors (Guido Premuda, Luca Baghino & Marco Gustin), by a territory of the researches (Italy) /map/ and by year of issue (2006):

• Luciano RUGGIERI, Guido PREMUDA, Luca BAGHINO, Luca GIRAUDO, 2006 – Esperienza di monitoraggio su vasta scala della migrazione autunnale del Biancone Circaetus gallicus in Italia e nel Mediterraneo centrale [A large-scale survey of the autumn migration of Short-toed Eagles across Italy and the Central Mediterranean] // Avocetta, 30: 76-80. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (source – EBN Italia website).

• Luca BAGHINO, Guido PREMUDA, 2006 – Consistente migrazione pre-riproduttiva del Biancone Circaetus gallicus lungo il versante tirrenico ligure-toscano [Substantial pre-reproductive migration of the Short-toed Eagle along the Tyrrhenian coast of Liguria and Tuscany] // Rete Natura 2000 in Liguria: Pubblicazioni – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (source – Parco del Beigua website).

• Luca BAGHINO, Marco GUSTIN, 2006 – Censimenti dei flussi migratori dei rapaci diurni e altri grandi veleggiatori in transito nella ZPS “Beigua-Turchino” // Rete Natura 2000, Parco del Beigua – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (source – Parco del Beigua website).

The last work concerns Short-toed Eagle among other Raptors.


TV interview with great videos of S.t.Eagles

Aug 28, 2007 / Comment
Interview on TV

I have been on a T.V. Interview 3 weeks ago talking about my research, on the background you can see the great photos and videos of Yossi Eshbol. It is in Hebrew but the beauty of the videos and photos everyone can understand! Best regards!


B. Joubert’s works in the Alauda journal

May 27, 2007 / 1 Comment
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases

Bibliographical descriptions of Bernard Joubert‘s articles on Short-toed Eagle in the Alauda journal can be found on the Pascal and Francis Bibliographic DB, the abstracts (En) are represented below:

• 1998 – Données préliminaires sur les Circaètes Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus de Haute-Loire [Preliminary study on the Short-toed Eagle in the Haute-Loire Department /map/] // Alauda, vol. 66, №3, pp. 207-220 (abstract).

• 1999 – Trois comportements de circaètes Jean-le-Blanc mâles Circaetus gallicus en période de reproduction [Three behavior of Short-toed Eagle during breeding period] // Alauda, vol. 67, №2, pp. 141-144 (abstract).

• 2002 – Données éthologiques sur la formation du couple chez le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Ethological data on pair forming in Short-toed Eagle] // Alauda, vol. 70, №1, pp. 3-8 (abstract).

• 2002 – L’aire du Circaète Jean-Le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus : Données éthologiques sur la collecte de matériaux. Place du nid dans la stratégie adaptative de l’espèce [Short-toed Eagle nest: ethological data on nest material collection: Importance of nest size and position for the adaptative behaviour of the species] // Alauda, vol. 70, №2, pp. 263-270 (abstract).

• 2006 – Données sur la reproduction du circaète jean-le-blanc Circaetus gallicus dans la haute vallée de l’Allier (Haute-Loire, France) [Remarks on breeding Short-toed Eagle in the upper allier valley (Haute-Loire, France /map/)] // Alauda, vol. 74, №1, pp. 1-12 (abstract).


Françoise Gérardin’s film, 2003

Apr 28, 2007 / 1 Comment

For the first time we present such weighty material as a 28 minutes film on the site. The video was made by Françoise Gérardin in Gironde /map/ in August, 2003 by digital video-camera from the special hiding-place at a distance of 23 metres from rather low situated Short-toed Eagle’s nest. Please read the introduction (En) written by the film’s author. Some single frames of the film are presented below.

Short-toed Eagle. Françoise Gérardin. 2003

Besides, you can download the video (.avi) file and subtitles (Fr):
Jean-le-Blanc au pays des sorcières. The subtitles (heartfelt thanks to Yves) can be used for the machine translation, if you need it.

Read the rest of this entry »


New section about Sameh’s study

Apr 16, 2007 / 2 Comments
Sameh's contact information

Just a few words about a section dedicated to the subject of Sameh’s research “Agricultural influences on the ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean slopes” /map/ on The Jerusalem Bird Observatory website.

The section, which can be rated as an independent site, includes such subsections as Gallery, Team, Research, Transmitters & Migration, About me and so on. You can find there notes and many photos illustrating the study development.