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White Short-toed Eagle fledgling in Spain in 2013

Nov 22, 2015 / 1 Comment

EL ÁGUILA BLANCA (Circaetus gallicus)This bird had been photographed by Javier G. in Peñaflor (the environments of Zaragoza city, Spain) /map/ in August 2013. Thanks to the author and to Javier Blasco-Zumeta we have the following information about that unique record of leucism in Short-toed Snake Eagle:

That absolutely white bird was born in a forest of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis), successfully left the nest, was observed in its territory until the end of September, and when it was time to start the migration the juvenile Short-toed Eagle flew away.

If the bird has survived, its return to Europe may be expected next year, after 2 years of probable wintering and summering in Africa.


Data on Short-toed Eagle in new birding DBs

Oct 28, 2015 / Comment
Circaetus gallicus by Oksana Raldugina on

The new birding database has been created this year for collecting pictures, geographical locations and other data of observations from Ukrainian birdwatchers. Among information on other species, it contains details of new records of Short-toed Eagles in various regions of Ukraine. The site has been made by Askar Isabekov and Andrew Simon as an analog of the well-known project for Kazakhstan that has already existed for 10 years. One more similar website is dedicated to Siberian birds. There is not any record of Short-toed Eagle on the last one yet; nevertheless, even isolated observations made at the edge of the species range would be of the great interest for ST Eagle researchers.


Photos and observations of Short-toed Eagles in India

May 29, 2014 / Comment

Information about certain species of Indian birds of prey is rare on the web. Short-toed Eagle is not an exception. The following websites a little open a window to the world of Indian snake eagles.

India Nature Watch: Short-toed Snake EagleThis collection of photos was already mentioned on our site. During the last 7 years a huge amount of magnificent pictures taken by Indian nature photographers has been added to the galleries. They show Short-toed Eagles in the local natural environment.

Short-toed Eagle with a branchThe second site, India Biodiversity Portal, is an interactive online database of observations for Indian birds and animals, and generally a repository of information on India’s biodiversity. Normal for such portals maps with points of occurrences and observations, as well as photos and videos are available there. This video deserves special attention: two Short-toed Eagles found themselves on the ground when, all appearances, they were fighting. The scene was captured near the Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary /map/.


Section of the LPO website dedicated to ST Eagle

Dec 22, 2013 / Comment

Circaète - LPO Mission rapacesJust a few words about a section of the LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux) Mission rapaces website. The section is dedicated to Short-toed Eagle and consists of the following subsections:

› Actualitésnews, also you can subscribe to the feeds;

› Le Circaètegeneral info about Short-toed Eagle in France;

› Suivi et conservationmonitoring and conservation;

› Sensibilisationsources of detailed information;

› Les acteurs locauxlocal stakeholders in a map.

Now the section is updated regularly. Please subscribe to the news via RSS to be notified about news.


Francesco Petretti’s site contains info about ST Eagle

Jun 3, 2013 / Comment
Search results for «biancone» on Francesco Petretti's website

Please visit a website of Francesco It is updated weekly and you can find on it reports about observations of Short-toed Eagles in Central Italy /map/ containing some photos of them. There are several ways to get information on the subject: to search by keywords, for example, «Circaetus»; just to use the tags, such as «Short-toed Eagle» or «Biancone» etc.


Popular article in Terre Sauvage about ST Eagles

Mar 24, 2013 / Comment

Please, enjoy the article published in Terre Sauvage and pictures of Short-toed Eagles adorning the text. These magnificent photos are taken by professional nature photographer David Allemand who has worked on the eagles in the Natural Regional Park of the Verdon /map/ during three years:

David Allemand's galleries

• Johannes BRAUN, 2013 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc. Chasseur d’écailles [Short-toed Eagle. Hunter for scaly ones] // Terre Sauvage, n° 290, Mars-Avril: pages 38-44. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr). The article was prepared in collaboration with Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Bernard Joubert and Renaud Nadal.


1st breeding Short-toed Eagles in Switzerland

Dec 23, 2012 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle nest in Upper Valais (Switzerland). Video by Lionel Maumary

This year Short-toed Eagles’ breeding was observed in southwestern Switzerland /map/ for the first time. On the website you can find the report on this written by Lionel Maumary:

• Lionel Maumary, 2012 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc a niché en Suisse ! [Short-toed Eagle has bred in Switzerland] // (Fr) {rough translation} – the text contains excellent pictures and video. Also photos of this pair of Short-toed Eagles taken by Thomas Nierle in April 2012 can be viewed here. The juvenile Eagle has left the nest succesfully!