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1st breeding Short-toed Eagles in Switzerland

Dec 23, 2012 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle nest in Upper Valais (Switzerland). Video by Lionel Maumary

This year Short-toed Eagles’ breeding was observed in southwestern Switzerland /map/ for the first time. On the website you can find the report on this written by Lionel Maumary:

• Lionel Maumary, 2012 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc a niché en Suisse ! [Short-toed Eagle has bred in Switzerland] // (Fr) {rough translation} – the text contains excellent pictures and video. Also photos of this pair of Short-toed Eagles taken by Thomas Nierle in April 2012 can be viewed here. The juvenile Eagle has left the nest succesfully!


Short-toed Eagle meeting in Florac. Short review

Oct 20, 2012 / Comment
13.10 : participants of the Short-toed Eagle specialists meeting in Florac (Lozère, France). Photo by Christian Aussaguel14.10 : Jean-Pierre Malafosse tells about Short-toed Eagles in Lozère. Photo by Bernard Joubert

Short review of the Short-toed Eagle specialists meeting which was held in Florac, centre of Cévennes National Park /map/ (Lozère, France), on October 13-14:

3e Rencontre Circaète : Florac, 13 et 14 Octobre 2012 (Fr). Heartfelt thanks to Renaud Nadal for sharing this! The meeting was successful. Let’s wish the organizers to maintain this good tradition in the future!


La Plume du Circaète n° 10

Oct 7, 2012 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

This number of the La Plume du CircaèteShort-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} has seen the light in September 2012.

The list of contents (Fr):

Suivi / Conservation 2 »

Synthèse nationale 2011 2; Parc national des Cévennes 3; Hautes-Alpes 6

Etude des comportements 7 »

Un être agissant 7

Relations interspécifiques 9 »

Observations dans les Cévennes 9; Observations en Haute-Loire 11

International 13 »

Caratéritiques de la migration 13; Minimisation des risques migratoires 13; Suivi de juvéniles en migration 14; Hivernage au Sénégal 15

Sensibilisation 16 »

Rencontres rapaces 16; Plume du circaète 16


Photographing Short-toed Eagle nest in Haute-Loire

Jun 12, 2012 / 1 Comment
JOUBERT B. 2012. Haute-Loiret

These photos, like previous ones, were taken by Bernard Joubert from his hide in Haute-Loire. This year is difficult for Short-toed Eagles because of bad weather conditions. Nevertheless in June the pair already has the chick and takes care of it with a great attention. Let’s hope the chick will grow up and will leave the nest successfully.


Northern Ukraine. Photo-documenting 2012

May 31, 2012 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2012. Northern Ukraine

Just like last year I would like to share some photos, which, though have not perfect quality, can tell something about different aspects of Short-toed Eagles’ life as here, in Northern Ukraine, so in general. Also like last year the photo gallery will be updated with new images during the season. Every update will be described in comments.