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Videos and photos from Systema Naturae

May 23, 2008 / 3 Comments

Systema Naturae is a website developed by Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna. He studies birds of prey including Short-toed Eagles in the Maremma Regional Park /map/ and in other places. Let us show you a little gallery of unique video clips (see them below) dedicated to Short-toed Eagles in the Maremma park and also some photos.

In the first video you can see Francesco Petretti /map/. He is a prominent Italian ornithologist and researcher of Short-toed Eagle, he took part in the creation of the “L’Aquila dei serpenti” film. Also you can enjoy all videos uploaded by Vincenzo directly on YouTube.


Moult and age of Short-toed Eagle

Apr 30, 2008 / Comment
Identification atlas of birds of Aragon - Families

Visit please Javier Blasco-Zumeta’s site to find some information on identification of birds in nature. This information sheetShort-toed Eagle. file (En) on two pages with demonstrative photos (moult and age-specific changes) – could be helpful in the field together with article of Guido Premuda and Andrea Corso about the plumage characters. Also we have the fullsized illustrations to view the plumage more particularly.


Short-toed Eagles on Picasa Web Albums

Jan 5, 2008 / Comment
Search results for Slangenarend on Picasa Web Albums

Please let me call your attention to this Google’s service. Many people put their photos now on Picasa Web Albums, and Google allows to search there what you want. Of course we want to get new Short-toed Eagles images. If you use the names in different languages, the search will be the most effective. When getting the results, you should click “repeat the search with the omitted results included” at the bottom of the page; and when viewing a single photo, just don’t forget to click on the icon Picasa zoom icon to see the photo’s full size. gallery

Dec 17, 2007 / Comment
Circaetus gallicus gallery on

Several photos made by Tomi Muukkonen in Israel and in Spain during the season 2007 are put on the website. Images of flying young, immature and adult Short-toed Eagles come under our notice because of well recognizable age characters of the plumage.