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B. Joubert’s works in the Alauda journal

May 27, 2007 / 1 Comment
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases

Bibliographical descriptions of Bernard Joubert‘s articles on Short-toed Eagle in the Alauda journal can be found on the Pascal and Francis Bibliographic DB, the abstracts (En) are represented below:

• 1998 – Données préliminaires sur les Circaètes Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus de Haute-Loire [Preliminary study on the Short-toed Eagle in the Haute-Loire Department /map/] // Alauda, vol. 66, №3, pp. 207-220 (abstract).

• 1999 – Trois comportements de circaètes Jean-le-Blanc mâles Circaetus gallicus en période de reproduction [Three behavior of Short-toed Eagle during breeding period] // Alauda, vol. 67, №2, pp. 141-144 (abstract).

• 2002 – Données éthologiques sur la formation du couple chez le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Ethological data on pair forming in Short-toed Eagle] // Alauda, vol. 70, №1, pp. 3-8 (abstract).

• 2002 – L’aire du Circaète Jean-Le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus : Données éthologiques sur la collecte de matériaux. Place du nid dans la stratégie adaptative de l’espèce [Short-toed Eagle nest: ethological data on nest material collection: Importance of nest size and position for the adaptative behaviour of the species] // Alauda, vol. 70, №2, pp. 263-270 (abstract).

• 2006 – Données sur la reproduction du circaète jean-le-blanc Circaetus gallicus dans la haute vallée de l’Allier (Haute-Loire, France) [Remarks on breeding Short-toed Eagle in the upper allier valley (Haute-Loire, France /map/)] // Alauda, vol. 74, №1, pp. 1-12 (abstract).


Françoise Gérardin’s film, 2003

Apr 28, 2007 / 1 Comment

For the first time we present such weighty material as a 28 minutes film on the site. The video was made by Françoise Gérardin in Gironde /map/ in August, 2003 by digital video-camera from the special hiding-place at a distance of 23 metres from rather low situated Short-toed Eagle’s nest. Please read the introduction (En) written by the film’s author. Some single frames of the film are presented below.

Short-toed Eagle. Françoise Gérardin. 2003

Besides, you can download the video (.avi) file and subtitles (Fr):
Jean-le-Blanc au pays des sorcières. The subtitles (heartfelt thanks to Yves) can be used for the machine translation, if you need it.

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Text of Yves Boudoint

Feb 4, 2007 / Comment

One of works of the oldest Short-toed Eagles researcher in France – Yves Boudoint /map/ – is represented below. This text describes some interesting details of biology of the species and includes notes on some traditional and untraditional methods of study:

• Yves Boudoint, 1953 – Etude de la biologie du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc [Study of the Short-toed Eagle biology] // Alauda, 21 : 86-112. (Fr).


Network in France

Oct 12, 2006 / Comment

In 2002 Jean-Pierre Malafosse /map/ and Bernard Joubert /map/ managed to unionize French Short-toed Eagle lovers. We would like to point to in a sense the composite work that is known by the name of La Plume du Circaète Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} and was realized in 2003 by the agency of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (source – LPO Mission Rapaces page). Now the second pdf-file – La Plume du Circaète #4 Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} is available too.