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Viktor Belik’s articles on Short-toed Eagle

Dec 2, 2008 / Comment

A few articles of Prof. Viktor Belik (Rostov State Pedagogical University) on distribution, number and ecology of Short-toed Eagles in several different regions (Ru):

• Белик В.П., 1994 – Распространение, численность и экология змееяда в степном Подонье [Distribution, number and ecology of Short-toed Eagle in steppe Podonie] // Кавказ. орнитол. вестник, вып.6.- Ставрополь. – С.26-29. /map/.

• Афанасьев В.Т., Белик В.П., 1998 – Змееяд в Сумском Полесье [Short-toed Eagle in Sumy Polesie] // Птицы бассейна Сев. Донца, вып.4-5: Мат-лы 4 и 5 конф. “Изучение и охрана птиц басс. Сев. Донца”. – Харьков. – С.45-46. /map/.

• Белик В.П., Ветров В.В., Бабич М.В., Трофименко В.В., 1999 – Змееяд в Волгоградской области [Short-toed Eagle in Volgograd Region] // 3 конф. по хищным птицам Вост. Европы и Сев. Азии: Мат-лы конф., ч.2.- Ставрополь. – С.20-23. /map/.

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The photos were taken during an expedition of Prof. Belik in summer of 2008 in Volgograd Region.


Short-toed Eagles of Le Massif de la Sainte Baume

Oct 29, 2008 / Comment

Please download and read a new article of Richard Frèze on Short-toed Eagle in Provence /map/:

• Richard Frèze, 2008 – Étude de la population de Circaètes sur le massif de la Sainte-Baume et les collines environnantes [Study of Short-toed Eagle population on the Massif de la Sainte-Baume and the surrounding hills] – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}.

And also enjoy please some pictures from it:

Short-toed Eagle. Richard Frèze. 2008


Short-toed Eagle near Kiev. August 2008

Oct 8, 2008 / Comment

This is an adult Short-toed Eagle female. Numerous power lines pylons are situated in its hunting territory. From year to year they are used by both Short-toed Eagles of the pair as perches for hunt. The birds are not afraid of people much.

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2008

These photos were taken at a distance of 8 km from Kiev’s housing estates /map/ on August 24th (© Konstantin Pismennyi).