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Dimitris E. Bakaloudis’ article of 2009

Sep 29, 2009 / 1 Comment

A new article written by Dimitris E. Bakaloudis by results of researches of Short-toed Eagle in Greece /map/ is put now on the Ornis Fennica site. You can find it among a few other works on the Online early section:

• Dimitrios E. Bakaloudis, 2009 – Implications for conservation of foraging sites selected by Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) in Greece // Ornis Fennica 86:89–96. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Nests in Greece and potential distribution in Europe

Aug 26, 2009 / Comment

Two articles have been discovered on the Net:

D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, 2000 – Nest features and nest-tree characteristics of Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest, Northeastern Greece // Raptor Res. 34(4): 293-298. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/ (source –

• J. Overpeck, C. Whitlock, B. Huntley, 2003 – Terrestrial biosphere dynamics in the climate system: past and future – Short-toed Eagle. file (En). Fig. 5.13. Potential distribution of species under climate change scenarios in EuropeShort-toed Eagle. file // Paleoclimate, Global Change and the Future: 220 pp.


New text on Short-toed Eagle on Ugo Mellone’s website

Dec 29, 2008 / Comment
Ugo Mellone, nature photography

• Agostini N., Mellone U., 2008 – Does migration flyway of Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) breeding in Central Italy reflect the colonization history? // Journal of Raptor Research, 42(2): 158-159. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

We extend our thanks to Ugo Mellone for pointing the article out. It can be found among other papers on the Research section of his website.


Christos G. Vlachos’ article of 1994

Dec 18, 2008 / Comment

You can find an article of Christos G. Vlachos on the University of New Mexico. University Libraries website. The work was dedicated to Short-toed Eagle ecology in North-Eastern Greece /map/:

• CHRISTOS G. VLACHOS and NIKOLAOS K. PAPAGEORGIOU, 1994 – Diet, breeding success, and nest-site selection of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in Northeastern Greece // Raptor Res. 28(1): 39-42. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Short-toed Eagle in south-eastern Spain

Jun 11, 2007 / 1 Comment

Please view an article about factors affecting distribution of Short-toed Eagle in south-eastern Spain /map/ (source – Annales Zoologici Fennici Journal):

• G. Moreno-Rueda, M. Pizarro, 2007 – Snake species richness and shrubland correlate with the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) distribution in south-eastern Spain // Ann. Zool. Fennici 44: in press. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Short-toed Eagle in northeast Greece

Mar 26, 2007 / 1 Comment

Let us draw your attention to a work of Dimitris E. Bakaloudis, Christos G. Vlachos and Graham J. Holloway on Short-toed Eagle in northeast Greece /map/:

• D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, 2005 – Nest spacing and breeding performance in Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in northeast Greece // British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 52: 330–338. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

This text can be found on the Taylor & Francis Online website. library

Mar 7, 2007 / Comment

If you are interested in some documents on Short-toed Eagles in Russian you should visit a website of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia. We have told about this resource several times. The main subsection of the site is free electronic texts database, where you can raise a query for Circaetus and get the result as a list of texts dedicated to the species and also of texts with mentions of it (Ru)(En). There are 35 documents on Short-toed Eagle in all at the moment.