Circaetus gallicus information navigator

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Importance of natural habitats for STE in Israel

Sep 1, 2015 / Comment

The following new paper describes the relation of Short-toed Eagle population to the availability of natural habitats which are being used by them as breeding sites in the Judea region of Israel /map/:

• Ezra Hadad, Gilad Weil and Motti Charter, 2015 – The importance of natural habitats as Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) breeding sites // Avian Biology Research, 8 (3): pp. 160–166. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Thanks a lot to Dr. Motti Charter for sharing the file!


Fresh papers on ST Eagles by Guido Premuda

Aug 24, 2015 / Comment

Adult male Short-toed Eagle in flight. Photo by Guido PremudaSeveral new works on Short-toed Eagle have been published and included in Guido Premuda‘s Bibliography ( this year:

• Premuda G., 2015 – La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane: campo Biancone marzo 2015 [The migration of birds of prey in the Apuan Alps /map/: March Short-toed Eagle camp 2015]. Infomigrans 34-2015. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

• Premuda G. & Belosi A., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population increase in Italy: hypothesis of root causes // Avocetta 39: 13-17. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• Premuda G., Belosi A., Viviani F. & Franchini M., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population monitoring at the Apuane Alps migration watch-site (Tuscany) // Avocetta 39: 5-12. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


General info on STE in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria

Jul 30, 2015 / Comment

Just some articles containing basic facts on distribution, biology and ecology of Short-toed Eagles in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria:

• J. Hordowski, 2015 – Gniazda i lęgi ptaków Polski [Polish birds’ nests and broods]: Gadożer Circaetus gallicus – pp. 515-522. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Pl).

С. Домашевський, К. Письменний, 2009 – Змієїд Circaetus gallicus // Червона книга України. Тваринний світ [Red book of Ukraine. Animals]: p. 425. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Uk).

• B. Tonchev, T. Petrov, S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov, K. Velev, 2007 – Орел змияр Circaetus gallicus // Атлас на гнездящите птици в България [Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria]: pp. 138-139. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Bg)(En).


One more fossil Circaetus has been described in Bulgaria

Apr 15, 2015 / Comment

This time fossil remains of an ancient species of Circaetus were found in the vicinity of the Varshets town (Northwestern Bulgaria) /map/. This species had lived in SE Europe about 2.2-2.4 millions of years ago:

• Z. Boev, 2015 – An Early Pleistocene Snake Eagle, Circaetus haemusensis sp. n. (Aves, Accipitriformes) from Varshets, Northwestern Bulgaria // Acta zool. bulg., 67 (1): pp. 127-138. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

The current article, like the prevous one, is represented on a website of the journal Acta zoologica bulgarica.


Live HD broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nest

Mar 27, 2015 / 2 Comments
Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nest

Many thanks to Guilad Friedemann for kind information about a new project of the KKL FundHD Web camera at a nest of Short-toed Eagle in Israel /map/. The online stream and a brief description of the project are available in Hebrew now, the English translation will appear soon. Besides, you can find texts about Guilad’s research in English and in Hebrew, view current data on observations of STE in the country and enjoy a video recently recorded with the installed camera; more clips are also listed on this page now. So help you Google Translate!

UPD May 1st, 2015: the Facebook community has been created for uploading and watching video clips made with the camera.


Northern Ukraine. Notable observations in 2014

Jan 31, 2015 / Comment

PISMENNYI K. 2014. Northern UkraineObservations of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2014 which deserve to be noted:

K. PISMENNYI, 2015 – Data on breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Northern UkraineShort-toed Eagle. file, XLS file with formulas – Short-toed Eagle. file; Replacement of the biggest 14 flight feathersShort-toed Eagle. file; Some short notes on Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2014 // (En).


Migrations and the distribution of STE in Italy

Dec 16, 2014 / Comment

The paper listed below is available on a website of Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network. To know the latest news of this non-profit community just follow the FB page of the organisation.

Panuccio M., Lucia G., Agostini N., Ottonello D. & Bogliani G., 2014 – Motion capacity, geography and ecological features explain the present distribution of a migratory top predator // Ecological Research DOI: 10.1007/s11284-014-1226-2. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).