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New text on Short-toed Eagle on Ugo Mellone’s website

Dec 29, 2008 / Comment
Ugo Mellone, nature photography

• Agostini N., Mellone U., 2008 – Does migration flyway of Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) breeding in Central Italy reflect the colonization history? // Journal of Raptor Research, 42(2): 158-159. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

We extend our thanks to Ugo Mellone for pointing the article out. It can be found among other papers on the Research section of his website.


Christos G. Vlachos’ article of 1994

Dec 18, 2008 / Comment

You can find an article of Christos G. Vlachos on the University of New Mexico. University Libraries website. The work was dedicated to Short-toed Eagle ecology in North-Eastern Greece /map/:

• CHRISTOS G. VLACHOS and NIKOLAOS K. PAPAGEORGIOU, 1994 – Diet, breeding success, and nest-site selection of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in Northeastern Greece // Raptor Res. 28(1): 39-42. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Question of sensibility

Nov 12, 2008 / Comment

This text opening La Plume du Circaète n° 6 was written by Bernard Joubert and translated to English by Yves Forget. This view of birds studies can be interesting for Short-toed Eagle watchers and researchers in other countries:

For many of us, a bird of prey is much more than a flying machine.
It is first of all an elegant bird of an absolute beauty. It is the being who breathes, who eats, communicates, moves, suffers, reproduces, interacts, fears. In brief, a being on the whole not so remote from us. If we take a good look at it, we are amazed by the subtlety of the strategies which it shows to continue to live in its environment.

If it is almost impossible for the observer who makes the effort to look at him simply, not to develop a certain shape of empathy (sorry Mister Lorenz!), this one can nevertheless keep a certain distance face to face of its subject of observation, a certain objectivity and so develop a speech which we can qualify as scientific.

For some, however, the bird never becomes a close friend. It is never the young-nervous-male-from-the-rocky-valley or just as well the dark-not-so-wild-female. It still remains an animal, a lower being to whom we are entitled to make everything undergo, in defiance of its identity, of its beauty and – who knows? – of its emotionality. And so much the worse for the sublime wanderer transformed in a bum by a piece of plastic.

And so much the worse for the dreamers, the aesthetes and the other visionaries who have an aggravated sensibility.
They are not serious.

But, this sensibility, isn’t it all the essence of our humanity? And doesn’t it not open the doors of the knowledge as wide as that of professed researches where the identity of the bird is corrupted without the shadow of a scruple?

Bernard Joubert


GREFA news 2008 and (Bèta)

Oct 6, 2008 / 2 Comments
Cría y liberación de águilas culebreras

This is the third time we bring to your attention GREFA and their successes in breeding and following release of Short-toed Eagles.

The second thing is an appearance of the website as a global version of we told about before. Please take a look at the ‘About this species’ right column menu there.


Moult and age of Short-toed Eagle

Apr 30, 2008 / Comment
Identification atlas of birds of Aragon - Families

Visit please Javier Blasco-Zumeta’s site to find some information on identification of birds in nature. This information sheetShort-toed Eagle. file (En) on two pages with demonstrative photos (moult and age-specific changes) – could be helpful in the field together with article of Guido Premuda and Andrea Corso about the plumage characters. Also we have the fullsized illustrations to view the plumage more particularly.


Short-toed Eagle in south-eastern Spain

Jun 11, 2007 / 1 Comment

Please view an article about factors affecting distribution of Short-toed Eagle in south-eastern Spain /map/ (source – Annales Zoologici Fennici Journal):

• G. Moreno-Rueda, M. Pizarro, 2007 – Snake species richness and shrubland correlate with the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) distribution in south-eastern Spain // Ann. Zool. Fennici 44: in press. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


B. Joubert’s works in the Alauda journal

May 27, 2007 / 1 Comment
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases

Bibliographical descriptions of Bernard Joubert‘s articles on Short-toed Eagle in the Alauda journal can be found on the Pascal and Francis Bibliographic DB, the abstracts (En) are represented below:

• 1998 – Données préliminaires sur les Circaètes Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus de Haute-Loire [Preliminary study on the Short-toed Eagle in the Haute-Loire Department /map/] // Alauda, vol. 66, №3, pp. 207-220 (abstract).

• 1999 – Trois comportements de circaètes Jean-le-Blanc mâles Circaetus gallicus en période de reproduction [Three behavior of Short-toed Eagle during breeding period] // Alauda, vol. 67, №2, pp. 141-144 (abstract).

• 2002 – Données éthologiques sur la formation du couple chez le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Ethological data on pair forming in Short-toed Eagle] // Alauda, vol. 70, №1, pp. 3-8 (abstract).

• 2002 – L’aire du Circaète Jean-Le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus : Données éthologiques sur la collecte de matériaux. Place du nid dans la stratégie adaptative de l’espèce [Short-toed Eagle nest: ethological data on nest material collection: Importance of nest size and position for the adaptative behaviour of the species] // Alauda, vol. 70, №2, pp. 263-270 (abstract).

• 2006 – Données sur la reproduction du circaète jean-le-blanc Circaetus gallicus dans la haute vallée de l’Allier (Haute-Loire, France) [Remarks on breeding Short-toed Eagle in the upper allier valley (Haute-Loire, France /map/)] // Alauda, vol. 74, №1, pp. 1-12 (abstract).