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October Circaetus meeting in France, the 2nd circular

Sep 12, 2016 / Comment

As previously announced, the 4th meeting of the Short-toed Snake Eagle French national network in Roquefixade (the Ariège Department) /map/ is scheduled for October 8th and 9th, 2016. This conference is a meeting between passionate volunteers and not a scientific symposium. The program is not yet complete and it is still possible to propose communications. Any experience in monitoring Short-toed Eagles is of great interest and deserves to be shared.

Please, read the detailed information about the meeting: PDF file (Fr).


Fresh article on migration & wintering of Short-toed Eagle

Jul 30, 2016 / 1 Comment

The following article has recently been accepted for publishing online. The abstract and description are available for free at the moment:

Ugo MELLONE, Giuseppe LUCIA, Egidio MALLÌA, Vicente URIOS, 2016 – Individual variation in orientation promotes a 3000-km latitudinal change in wintering grounds in a long-distance migratory raptor // Ibis. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/ibi.12401 (En).


Full texts of previously published articles

Jul 30, 2016 / 1 Comment

Currently, you can find online full texts of these two articles published in scientific journals in 2004 and 2005. The papers have already been mentioned on our site before:

Paola SACCHI, Dominga SOGLIA, Sandra MAIONE, Giuseppe MENEGUZ, Massimo CAMPORA, Roberto RASERO, 2004 – A non-invasive test for sex identification in Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) // Molecular & Cellular Probes, 18 (3): pp. 193-196. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Massimo CAMPORA, Guido CATTANEO, 2005 – Ageing and sexing Short-toed Eagles // British Birds, 98: pp. 370-376. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Articles of ROJ: STE in Northern Kazakhstan & Caucasus

Jun 30, 2016 / Comment

The following article and note were published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал) (Ru):

• С. М. Резниченко, 2013 – Гнездование змееяда Circaetus gallicus в Баянаульском национальном парке (Северный Казахстан) [Breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Bayanaul National Park (northern Kazakhstan, Kazakh Uplands)] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 22, Экспресс-выпуск 953: 3491-3493. /map/.

• Г. А. Лошкарёв, 2011 – Смешанная кладка канюка Buteo buteo и змееяда Circaetus gallicus [A mixed clutch of Common Buzzard and Short-toed Eagle] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 20, Экспресс-выпуск 669: 1323. /map/. The first publication: Лошкарёв Г. А., 1972 – Смешанная кладка хищников // Орнитология 10: 364.


La Plume du Circaète n° 12

Jun 11, 2016 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

This year’s issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète is currently available – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}. The list of contents is in English (En) this time, thanks to Ferenc and Gábor Papp:


· Observations of 2cy STEs in Europe
· Experiments with artificial nests for STEs
· Feeding group of STEs in Minervois
· Unusual start of migration
· Preliminary data on the Short-toed Eagle in the suburbs of Marseille
· A Short-toed Eagle trying to bath?
· STE monitoring in Haute-Province in the Alps
· Protection of a nesting habitat in Vendée
· Setting up a STE network in Gard
· Visual performance of the Short-toed Eagle
· Bad luck for one, good luck for another
· Life of the STE in pictures
· Reflections on flying on thermals
· Data on skipping breeding in Haute Loire – What is the value of observation?
· About prey and feeding
· Note on post-breeding migration at the monitoring site of Eyne in 2015


· First nesting of the STE in Suisse
· Individual variations in summering areas among immature STEs
· Influence of geographical and climatic factors on the migration of the STE
· Seminar in Grosetto, Italy


· The STE flyer is finally available
· 4th Short-toed Eagle meeting

Short-toed Eagles in Flanders (Belgium)

May 31, 2016 / Comment

The following extended descriptions of observations of Short-toed Eagles in Flanders /map/ (the nothern portion of Belgium) are available on the Natuurpunt website (Nl):

• Wouter FAVEYTS, 2010 – 2010: een superjaar voor Slangenarend in Vlaanderen [2010 – a bumper year for Short-toed Eagle in Flanders] // Natuur.oriolus, 76(4): pp. 132-134. – Short-toed Eagle. file. The article contains English and French summaries.

…and other texts:

The Short-toed Eagle is one of our smaller eagles (Photo: Kris De Rouck)• Dominique VERBELEN, 2014 – Slangenarend Jacobus zorgt voor spektakel in de Kalkense Meersen [Short-toed Eagle makes a show in Kalkense Meersen] //

• Han LAGRING, Gerald DRIESSENS, 2015 – Slangenarend op bedevaart in Groot Schietveld [Short-toed Eagle on a pilgrimage in Groot Schietveld] //


Mortality causes of STE and Booted Eagle in Spain

May 30, 2016 / Comment

Results of analysis of 434 Short-toed Snake Eagle mortality cases are presented in the recently published article:

• J. E. Martínez , I. Zuberogoitia, M. V. Jiménez-Franco, S. Mañosa, J. F. Calvo, 2016 – Spatio-temporal variations in mortality causes of two migratory forest raptors in Spain // European Journal of Wildlife Research, Feb. 2016, Vol. 62(1): pp. 109-118. (En).

The data were collected by wildlife rehabilitation centres in Spain within the 16-year period of 1990-2006. Unfortunately, the full text is not yet available online for free.