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Latest articles about Short-toed Eagle

Jul 30, 2012 / Comment

Two more articles on migration of Short-toed Eagles came out this year:

Mellone U., Klaassen R.H.G., García-Ripollés C., Limiñana R., López-López P., Pavón D., Strandberg R., Urios V., Vardakis M., Alerstam T., 2012 – Interspecific comparison of the performance of soaring migrants in relation to morphology, meteorological conditions and migration strategies // PLoS ONE 7(7): e39833. doi:10.1371 / journal.pone.0039833 – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• Frédéric Jiguet, Damien Chevallier, François Baillon, Julien Ventroux & Pascal Cavallin, 2012 – Sub-Saharan staging areas of a first-summer Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus // Bird Study, 59(1): 102-104. (En).

The first one is based on comparative data concerning Osprey, Marsh Harrier, Egyptian Vulture and Short-toed Eagle.


Photographing Short-toed Eagle nest in Haute-Loire

Jun 12, 2012 / 1 Comment
JOUBERT B. 2012. Haute-Loiret

These photos, like previous ones, were taken by Bernard Joubert from his hide in Haute-Loire. This year is difficult for Short-toed Eagles because of bad weather conditions. Nevertheless in June the pair already has the chick and takes care of it with a great attention. Let’s hope the chick will grow up and will leave the nest successfully.


Northern Ukraine. Photo-documenting 2012

May 31, 2012 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2012. Northern Ukraine

Just like last year I would like to share some photos, which, though have not perfect quality, can tell something about different aspects of Short-toed Eagles’ life as here, in Northern Ukraine, so in general. Also like last year the photo gallery will be updated with new images during the season. Every update will be described in comments.


Short-toed Eagle in Extremadura (Spain) and in Kenya

May 30, 2012 / Comment

View please the text (En) dedicated to Short-toed Eagle in Extremadura /map/ which is posted by Javier Prieta on the Birds of Extremadura site.

Also on the Global Raptor Information Network website you can find the following paper:

• William S. CLARK, David FISHER, Brian FINCH, Bernd de BRUIJN and Itai SHANI, 2005 – Status of Beaudouin’s Circaetus beaudouini and Short-toed Snake-eagles Circaetus gallicus in Kenya // Bulletin of the African Bird Club, 12: 150-152. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Mobbing of Short-toed Eagles by gulls over Gibraltar

Apr 30, 2012 / Comment

This paper was published in 2008. It’s dedicated to relationships between migrating Short-toed Eagles and local Yellow-legged Gulls in the region of Gibraltar /map/.

The LPO Mission Rapaces website

• Mosquera M., 2008 – Mobbing of migrant Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus by Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis during their northbound passage over Gibraltar // Gibraltar Bird Report, 7: 51-54. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Aggressiveness between Short-toed Eagles

Apr 21, 2012 / 4 Comments

Hello everyone,

I am writing to tell a strange incident happened yesterday: a lady calls the CRAS Pignola (PZ, Italy) /map/ saying she had found two «hawks» in trouble and asks if she can deliver. After an hour she arrived with a pair of Short-toed Eagle! The huge female is in good condition and will probably be released in a couple of days.
The male instead had deep lacerations to the chest and throat, so as to show the crop.
Basically the skin in some places no more, and also the pectoral muscle is damaged.
The crop was full ….. and a tail sticking out from the bill….. we pulled out a snake of 1.20 m ….. probably had it in the throat the day before, when the lady found them and brought home with him.

The strange thing is that the lady has told of seeing them sticking up in the air to fall on the ground. At that point they roll in a pond for irrigation, where she intervened.

According to the reconstruction the healthy one (the female) has repeatedly attacked the other’s throat causing him serious injuries.

A reconstruction does not convince me at all, has anyone had such experiences? That is, if by chance you know so much aggressive behavior between Short-toed Eagles?

Consider that the male will almost certainly not survive due to septicemia in very advanced stage.

Dr. Egidio Fulco
Studio naturalistico MILVUS
Via F.lli Perito snc, 85010 Pignola (PZ)