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Breeding in captivity

Jan 10, 2007 / 1 Comment

There are two short notes describing cases of Short-toed Eagles’ successful breeding in captivity in 2006 year on two different sites:

Grefa website. Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad

Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad – Enviado por: GREFA el Sabado, 15 de Julio de 2006 – 02:43 CET (Es).
Un circaète Jean-Le-Blanc nait en captivité – Agence France-Presse; Lourdes, France, Le jeudi 15 juin 2006 (Fr).


Sameh Darawshi’s research

Dec 30, 2006 / Comment

This not big text written by Sameh Darawshi represents his project of researching Short-toed Eagles:

Sameh Darawshi, 2006 – Aggregation, movement dynamics and feeding habits of the Short-toed Snake-Eagle in relation to agricultural activities in the Judean slopes // (En) /map/.

This text may be regarded as a preview of the great and long-term research of Short-toed Eagles in the Middle East. database

Nov 12, 2006 / 1 Comment search results for Slangenarend photos is a popular Netherlandish database of observations on plants and animals in the nature. Such form of the data keeping becomes more and more useful according to accumulation of the data with the increased pithiness of observations (Nl). All records are connected with the on-line map; some of them contain photos and comments.


Network in France

Oct 12, 2006 / Comment

In 2002 Jean-Pierre Malafosse /map/ and Bernard Joubert /map/ managed to unionize French Short-toed Eagle lovers. We would like to point to in a sense the composite work that is known by the name of La Plume du Circaète Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} and was realized in 2003 by the agency of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (source – LPO Mission Rapaces page). Now the second pdf-file – La Plume du Circaète #4 Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} is available too.


Vladimir Galushin’s works

Oct 7, 2006 / Comment

We would like to bring an article of Prof. Vladimir Galushin to your attention. Now he is a head of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia and also he is a honorary member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The work is dedicated to the nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Ryazan’ Region (Centre of European part of Russia) /map/:

• Галушин В.М., 1959 – Некоторые данные по гнездованию змееяда в Рязанской области [Some data on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in Ryazan’ Region] // Орнитология. М.: Изд-во МГУ, Вып.2. 153-156. (Ru).

Circaetus gallicus. Illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov

And one more text (Ru), that is an extract from his book:
• Галушин В.М., 1980 – Хищные птицы леса [Birds of Prey of Forest] – Лесная промышленность, 160 c.
…with two illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov.