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Posts tagged ‘breeding’

Observations of Andrey Kuznetsov

May 23, 2007 / Comment

Just one more Russian text of 20 years ago on Short-toed Eagles’ nesting in the Vetluga and the Unzha rivers interfluve /map/ is brought to your attention:

• Кузнецов А.В., 1985 – Гнездование змееяда в междуречье Унжи и Ветлуги [Breeding of Short-toed Eagle in the area between the Unzha and Vetluga rivers, Kostroma Region] // Орнитология. М.: Изд-во МГУ, Вып.20. 129-132 (Ru).

This article was published as the result of A. V. Kuznetsov‘s four years’ observations on a pair of the birds in the mentioned region.


Short-toed Eagle in northeast Greece

Mar 26, 2007 / 1 Comment

Let us draw your attention to a work of Dimitris E. Bakaloudis, Christos G. Vlachos and Graham J. Holloway on Short-toed Eagle in northeast Greece /map/:

• D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, 2005 – Nest spacing and breeding performance in Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in northeast Greece // British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 52: 330–338. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

This text can be found on the Taylor & Francis Online website.


Breeding in captivity

Jan 10, 2007 / 1 Comment

There are two short notes describing cases of Short-toed Eagles’ successful breeding in captivity in 2006 year on two different sites:

Grefa website. Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad

Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad – Enviado por: GREFA el Sabado, 15 de Julio de 2006 – 02:43 CET (Es).
Un circaète Jean-Le-Blanc nait en captivité – Agence France-Presse; Lourdes, France, Le jeudi 15 juin 2006 (Fr).


Updating the site with my research

Jan 6, 2007 / 1 Comment


First I want to bless the creator of this website for such an initiative. As a Short-toed Eagle lover and researcher I think we have here a great opportunity to exchange information and concentrate efforts in loving and understanding this lovely Animal.

My research on the Short-toed Eagle here in Israel /map/ brings a totally new aspects that are different or even contradict what is known about Short-toed Eagle in other places i.e. Aggregation and high rodent content in diet, also highest breeding density in the world.

I have replied positively to the creator of this website’s offer to give some updates on the Short-toed Eagle in my study area.

Hence, I am declaring that some updates would be added from time to time.

Any researcher or any birdwatcher, farmer or a field guy who has seen familiar phenomenon with Short-toed Eagle aggregation in his area is kindley requested to send a report to HoverOverUs • Short-toed-Eagle and to me at the following adress:

Best wishes,
Sameh Darawshi


Network in France

Oct 12, 2006 / Comment

In 2002 Jean-Pierre Malafosse /map/ and Bernard Joubert /map/ managed to unionize French Short-toed Eagle lovers. We would like to point to in a sense the composite work that is known by the name of La Plume du Circaète Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} and was realized in 2003 by the agency of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (source – LPO Mission Rapaces page). Now the second pdf-file – La Plume du Circaète #4 Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} is available too.


Bernard Joubert & Jean-Pierre Malafosse

Aug 5, 2006 / Comment

This is one more general information on the species:

• MALAFOSSE J.-P. et JOUBERT B., 2004 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin) 1788 // in Thiollay J.-M. et Bretagnolle V. (coord.), Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris: pp. 60-65. (Fr).

…but, Jean-Pierre Malafosse with group of researchers had traced more than 400 cases of Short-toed Eagles breeding just till 2000 in the so-called Massif Central /map/. And their researches are continuing. Just think about it…

Bernard Joubert /map/ is an author of the “Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc” book; see an extract from it (Fr) about the youngs’ behaviour after leaving the nests.