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Posts tagged ‘distribution’

Modelling the destribution of Short-toed Eagle

Jul 29, 2010 / Comment

Two texts dedicated to distribution of Short-toed Eagle are brought to your attention:

• Germán M. López-Iborra, Rubén Limiñana, Diego Pavón and José E. Martínez-Pérez, 2010 – Modelling the distribution of Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in semi-arid Mediterranean landscapes: identifying important explanatory variables and their implications for its conservation // European Journal of Wildlife Research. Original paper. Published online first (En).

BBL project "Klimaatwijken", 2008 – A climatic atlas of European breeding birds. Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)Short-toed Eagle. file (En). This document can be found on the Lokale actie page of the Natuurpunt website. The climate change theme has already been touched on our site.


La Plume du Circaète n° 7 and previous numbers

Oct 13, 2009 / Comment

All numbers of the bulletin in a form of PDF-files are available now on the special page: La Plume du Circaète.

La Plume du Circaète on the LPO websiteThe last one, seventhShort-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} was released in April 2009 as a result of the 2nd meeting of the Circaetus Network that had held in Nadaillac-de-Rouge (Lot, France) in November 2008.
The list of contents (Fr):


Animation du réseau national 2; Premiers résultats des suivis dans le Lot 3; Etude et protection dans les Cévennes 4; Exemples de régulation démographique 8; Etude de la migration à Gibraltar 9; 30 ans de suivi en Italie 9; Analyse bibliographique 10; Les lacs de St-Namphaise 11; Vidéo amateur 11; Emission radio 11; Viticulture et circaète 12


Nests in Greece and potential distribution in Europe

Aug 26, 2009 / Comment

Two articles have been discovered on the Net:

D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, 2000 – Nest features and nest-tree characteristics of Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest, Northeastern Greece // Raptor Res. 34(4): 293-298. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/ (source –

• J. Overpeck, C. Whitlock, B. Huntley, 2003 – Terrestrial biosphere dynamics in the climate system: past and future – Short-toed Eagle. file (En). Fig. 5.13. Potential distribution of species under climate change scenarios in EuropeShort-toed Eagle. file // Paleoclimate, Global Change and the Future: 220 pp.


Viktor Belik’s articles on Short-toed Eagle

Dec 2, 2008 / Comment

A few articles of Prof. Viktor Belik (Rostov State Pedagogical University) on distribution, number and ecology of Short-toed Eagles in several different regions (Ru):

• Белик В.П., 1994 – Распространение, численность и экология змееяда в степном Подонье [Distribution, number and ecology of Short-toed Eagle in steppe Podonie] // Кавказ. орнитол. вестник, вып.6.- Ставрополь. – С.26-29. /map/.

• Афанасьев В.Т., Белик В.П., 1998 – Змееяд в Сумском Полесье [Short-toed Eagle in Sumy Polesie] // Птицы бассейна Сев. Донца, вып.4-5: Мат-лы 4 и 5 конф. “Изучение и охрана птиц басс. Сев. Донца”. – Харьков. – С.45-46. /map/.

• Белик В.П., Ветров В.В., Бабич М.В., Трофименко В.В., 1999 – Змееяд в Волгоградской области [Short-toed Eagle in Volgograd Region] // 3 конф. по хищным птицам Вост. Европы и Сев. Азии: Мат-лы конф., ч.2.- Ставрополь. – С.20-23. /map/.

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The photos were taken during an expedition of Prof. Belik in summer of 2008 in Volgograd Region.


La Plume du Circaète n° 6

Oct 12, 2008 / Comment
Light version of the La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

Current number of the La Plume du Circaète (Fr) can be downloaded now in two variants: of 1.6 MBShort-toed Eagle. file {rough translation} or of 5 MBShort-toed Eagle. file PDF file. New materials on Short-toed Eagles of France are collected in it. Many thanks to Renaud Nadal for placing the version with full-sized images here.

The list of contents (Fr):

Bilan de la surveillance 2007 2 »

Suivi 2007 2; Synthèse pluriannuelle 2

Observation / Conservation 3 »

Migration en PACA 3; Suivi par balise Argos 4; Nidifi cation aux portes de Marseille 6; Observations en limite d’aire 7; Situation en Loir-et-Cher 7; Les échecs de reproduction 9; 12 ans de suivi dans l’Hérault 10; 15 ans de suivi dans les Cévennes 11; Preuve en photos de la longévité 13; Découvertes récentes 13

Menaces 14 »

Tirs, électrocution et collisions 14

Sensibilisation 15 »

Surprises photographiques 15; Rapaces de France 15; 2nd rencontres Circaètes 16; Rendez-vous ornithologiques 16; Approche artistique 16


La Plume du Circaète n° 5

Oct 26, 2007 / Comment

La Plume du Circaète on the LPO websiteNext issue of the La Plume du Circaète composite brochure has been released in September 2007 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}. In comparison with the previous one, which was printed on 12 pages, this issue is bigger, it consists of 16 pages of text and different images.

Please see the list of contents (Fr):

Suivi 2 »

Bilan surveillance 2006 2; Cas de variole 2; Cas de pasteurellose 2; Migration exceptionnelle 3; Suivi dans l’Isère 3; Suivi dans les Cévennes 4.

Observation / Conservation 5 »

Ponte de remplacement 5; Crises du logement 5; Nidifi cation à decouvert 6; Gestion forestière 7; Veille en limite d’aire de répartition 8; Inventaire des reptiles 9; Lien de parenté 10; Dilemme évolutif ? 11; Suivi par balise Argos 13.

Scandale 14 »

Tirs et électrocution 14.

Sensibilisation 14 »

Plan de restauration 14; Une belle histoire 15; Sites internet 15; Bibliographie 16; Rendez-vous ornithologiques 16.


Short-toed Eagle in south-eastern Spain

Jun 11, 2007 / 1 Comment

Please view an article about factors affecting distribution of Short-toed Eagle in south-eastern Spain /map/ (source – Annales Zoologici Fennici Journal):

• G. Moreno-Rueda, M. Pizarro, 2007 – Snake species richness and shrubland correlate with the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) distribution in south-eastern Spain // Ann. Zool. Fennici 44: in press. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).