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Posts tagged ‘diurnality’

Live broadcast from ST Eagle nest. Israel, 2020

Mar 21, 2020 / 8 Comments

The same pair of Short-toed Eagles returned to their breeding site in the Judean Foothills /map/Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nest yet on February 26th. They were choosing between nests where HD cameras had been installed. Finally, after period of nest building, rituals and mating, the female laid an egg on March 18th. From that moment on, the broadcast has started.

All active streams within the project framework are put on the Israeli Birding Portal; also amazing videos are available on the Israel Raptor Nest Cam Facebook community.


STE nests in Israel: the 5th year of live streaming

Mar 31, 2019 / 1 Comment

Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nestThe live broadcast from a nest of the same pair of Short-toed Eagles living in the Judean Foothills /map/ has been renewed by Guilad Friedemann and the team again. This is the fourth breeding season of the pair we can watch in real time on the Israeli Birding Portal, and the fifth one if you include the live stream in 2015. The history of the current project and all video footages of Short-toed Eagles and other birds of prey available since 2016 can be found on the Israel Raptor Nest Cam Facebook page.

Please note: when the broadcast is unavailable just reload the page or revisit it a bit later.


Live broadcast of Short-toed Eagle nest, 2017

Apr 5, 2017 / 1 Comment

Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nestGuilad Friedemann and the team started the live stream of another nest of the same Short-toed Eagle pair in the Judean Foothills /map/ this year, since April 2nd. As well as last year, the broadcast is available on the Israeli Birding Portal. For more details, also, please visit the Facebook community page of the Israel Raptor Nest Cam project.


Live HD broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nest

Mar 27, 2015 / 2 Comments
Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nest

Many thanks to Guilad Friedemann for kind information about a new project of the KKL FundHD Web camera at a nest of Short-toed Eagle in Israel /map/. The online stream and a brief description of the project are available in Hebrew now, the English translation will appear soon. Besides, you can find texts about Guilad’s research in English and in Hebrew, view current data on observations of STE in the country and enjoy a video recently recorded with the installed camera; more clips are also listed on this page now. So help you Google Translate!

UPD May 1st, 2015: the Facebook community has been created for uploading and watching video clips made with the camera.


Observations of Andrey Kuznetsov

May 23, 2007 / Comment

Just one more Russian text of 20 years ago on Short-toed Eagles’ nesting in the Vetluga and the Unzha rivers interfluve /map/ is brought to your attention:

• Кузнецов А.В., 1985 – Гнездование змееяда в междуречье Унжи и Ветлуги [Breeding of Short-toed Eagle in the area between the Unzha and Vetluga rivers, Kostroma Region] // Орнитология. М.: Изд-во МГУ, Вып.20. 129-132 (Ru).

This article was published as the result of A. V. Kuznetsov‘s four years’ observations on a pair of the birds in the mentioned region.