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Posts tagged ‘nest’

Colour-ringing of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary

Aug 2, 2014 / Comment
SERFŐZŐ J. 2014. The Zemplén Mountains

This is just a small photo gallery of ringing Short-toed Eagle chicks in the Zemplén Mountains /map/. The juveniles were ringed by István Béres; the climber and the photographer was József Serfőző.

Gábor Papp reports that 4 eaglets were colour-ringed there this year and also ringing of 2 more was orginized by Zoltán Turny (MME/Birdlife) in Transdanubia /map/ and was done by rangers of Danube-Ipoly National Park at the following sites:
Vértes – by Antal Klébert and István Staudinger; this is the 2nd year that the pair use this nest on an oak;
the Budai Hills – by Bíró Sándor and Zoltán Turny; this is the 4th year in a row of breeding in this nest on a pine.


Alternative nest-building of ST Eagles and LL Buzzards

Jul 21, 2014 / Comment

Let’s thank Guilad Friedemann for sharing the following article based on data of his studies in the Judean Foothills /map/:

• G. Friedemann, I. Izhaki, Y. Leshem & K. Y. Mumcuoglu, 2013 – Alternative nest-building behavior of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) and the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean Foothills, and the parasitic and non-parasitic arthropod fauna in their nests // Israel Journal of Entomology, Vol. 43: pp. 11-19. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Photo gallery by Bernard Joubert. March 2014

Apr 22, 2014 / Comment
JOUBERT B. 2014. Haute-Loire

We would like to bring to your attention the 5th gallery of photos taken by Bernard Joubert at a nest of Short-toed Eagle in Haute-Loire /map/. Although the pair has eventually occupied another (last year’s) nest for the breeding, Bernard’s camera has captured scenes of the early nesting behaviour of the birds. Thanks to the researcher, we have a possibility to see unique moments of this eagles’ life once again.


Beginning of ST Eagle season in Europe

Apr 11, 2014 / Comment

One more season of Short-toed Eagles’ stay in Europe has begun recently. Observers watched the first scenes of their breeding activity. Please enjoy some pictures and photos:

Pages of Francesco Petretti's notepad for April 5Pages of Francesco Petretti's notepad for April 5

Breeding and survey season 2014 started with a rainy day in Maremma, Central Italy /map/. In spite of the bad weather, the pair was doing its job and this is my 38th year with the Short-toed Eagles.

Francesco Petretti (

At the first blush the pictures by Francesco are simple and rough, but they are accurate and for an experienced observer all the depicted scenes are easy to imagine in reality.

Bernard Joubert, 19.03 : the pair of Short-toed Eagles at their nest : the male in the beautiful demonstrative poseBernard Joubert, 27.03 : the pair of Short-toed Eagles at their nest : a rare physical contact of partners

Bernard Joubert observed the same Short-toed Eagles at their old nest in Haute-Loire /map/ since March 10th. The pair occupied the nest also in 2009 and 2012 years. A special hide allows getting unique knowledge of the behaviour of the eagles and taking magnificent photos. According to a recent message from Bernard, the female has finally chosen another nest – one that was occupied in 2013.

Konstantin Pismennyi, 05.04 : a pair of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding site : the female not far from the nestKonstantin Pismennyi, 05.04 : a pair of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding site : the male with prey

My observations at breeding sites of ST Eagles in Kiev Region /map/ began on April 5th. Like in Haute-Loire the same old pair at first seems to be going to occupy the same nest, for 4th year in a row. Now we have to wait and see what will happen next.


Some results of Short-toed Eagle monitoring in Ukraine

Nov 29, 2013 / Comment

Monitoring of 9 different pairs of Short-toed Eagles has been conducted during 10 years in Northern Ukraine (Kiev Region /map/, Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/ of Chernihiv Region, southern part of Sumy Polissya /map/). Some calculations and results of the monitoring are represented in tabular forms:

K. PISMENNYI, 2013 – Some data on breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Northern Ukraine // short-toed-eagle.netShort-toed Eagle. file; in the form of XLS file with formulas: Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Juvenile Short-toed Eagles have recently left their nests. Typical (left) and untypical (right) behaviour in the presence of humanAverage breeding success amounts to 0.60 juvenile / territorial pair and is quite close to this index for France: 0.57. The last result is based on observations of 2835 (!) breeding cases which have been managed to make by French national Circaetus gallicus network for 11 years (Bernard Joubert, personal communication). Also some other conclusions can be made: old pines (Pinus sylvestris) are prefered by Short-toed Eagles for nesting in Northern Ukraine; the eagles more often change their nests than they successfully breed; nest height is highly variable; the eagles’ choice of a nest depends on their previous breeding success; after an unsuccessful season the nest is changed with high probability, after successful one the following choice of a nest is unpredictable.


Breeding of Short-toed Eagle in SW Slovenia

Nov 18, 2012 / Comment

This work is available on the De Gruyter website. It is published in the last issue of Acrocephalus, is dedicated to breeding of Short-toed Eagles in Southwestern Slovenia /map/ and is a result of two-year research:

• Peter Krečič, 2012 – Opis gnezditvenega ciklusa kačarja Circaetus gallicus na dveh lokacijah v JZ Sloveniji v letih 2010 in 2011 [Description of the Short-toed Eagle breeding cycle at two sites in SW Slovenia during the years 2010 and 2011] // Acrocephalus, Vol. 32, Is. 148-149: P. 53–66. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Sl) {rough translation}.