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Jan 31, 2008 / 2 Comments

Let us invite you to take part in common collection of short descriptions of Short-toed Eagles biotopes in different regions. This idea belongs to Bernard Joubert. The project aims to describe the whole area of the species distribution. It should be something like collection of photos of typical for Short-toed Eagles hunting and breeding territories with short notes about the authors, their comments, which will be connected with a map. The test version of it can be viewed here. Please, if you have some propositions, we would be glad to discuss; or as a comment to this post.


A few Russian texts

Nov 29, 2007 / Comment

Here we present three different authors’ texts dedicated to Short-toed Eagles of three different regions: Crimea, Belarus and Turkmenistan. They are extracts

…from S.A. Bukreev’s book (Ru):
• Букреев С.А., 1997 – Орнитогеография и заповедное дело Туркменистана [Ornithogeography and reserve management of Turkmenistan] – М.: Центр охраны дикой природы (Biodiversity Conservation Center), 159 с.

…from Y.V. Kostin’s book (Ru):
• Костин Ю.В., 1983 – Птицы Крыма [Birds of Crimea] – М.: Наука, 240 с. /map/.

…and from V.V. Ivanovski’s work (Ru):
• Ивановский В.В., 1992 – Трофические связи редких хищных птиц Белорусского Поозерья [Food chains of rare birds of prey of Belarussian Poozer’e] // Оттиск, №173, 66 с. /map/.


Who also paints S.t.Eagles?

Oct 29, 2007 / 2 Comments

A Short-toed Eagle painted on it’s underwing coverts with red, was seen in Jibraltar this Autumn. No one declared doing such thing and it could be someone not a researcher who has done this marking. At beginning we suspected it is one of mine, but later and after describing the marking seen, i understood it is not one of mine, and possibly not of a researcher because the mark was a huge mark with no coding method.

If anyone knows something about that please contact me at:

my previous mail ( is not longer active.

Best regards



La Plume du Circaète n° 5

Oct 26, 2007 / Comment

La Plume du Circaète on the LPO websiteNext issue of the La Plume du Circaète composite brochure has been released in September 2007 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}. In comparison with the previous one, which was printed on 12 pages, this issue is bigger, it consists of 16 pages of text and different images.

Please see the list of contents (Fr):

Suivi 2 »

Bilan surveillance 2006 2; Cas de variole 2; Cas de pasteurellose 2; Migration exceptionnelle 3; Suivi dans l’Isère 3; Suivi dans les Cévennes 4.

Observation / Conservation 5 »

Ponte de remplacement 5; Crises du logement 5; Nidifi cation à decouvert 6; Gestion forestière 7; Veille en limite d’aire de répartition 8; Inventaire des reptiles 9; Lien de parenté 10; Dilemme évolutif ? 11; Suivi par balise Argos 13.

Scandale 14 »

Tirs et électrocution 14.

Sensibilisation 14 »

Plan de restauration 14; Une belle histoire 15; Sites internet 15; Bibliographie 16; Rendez-vous ornithologiques 16.