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GSM tracking of Short-toed Eagle from Poland

Sep 19, 2012 / 1 Comment
Migration birds of prey from Lublin region

Adult Short-toed Eagle female was equipped with a GPS-GSM logger in the southern part of Lublin Province /map/ (south-eastern Poland) this year. She started the autumn migration quite early. Detailed information is available on the Lublin Ornithology Society site. The migration map can be viewed here. Please note: each red point on the map is provided with a detailed comment.


3rd French national Short-toed Eagle meeting

Aug 24, 2012 / Comment

The 13th and 14th October 2012 will be held the 3rd French national Short-toed Eagle meeting in Florac (Lozère) – centre of the Cévennes National Park /map/.

This gathering of French specialists will be open to any foreign colleagues who want to participate.


Saturday 13th oct / from 9h30 until evening : indoor conferences.
Sunday 14th oct / outdoor visit : on the high limestone plateaux on the Lozère Causses.

Conference subjects

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Circaetus gallicus specialists’ meeting in France

Jul 31, 2012 / 1 Comment
A page of the informational letter concerning the meeting

The Circaetus gallicus specialists’ meeting is planned to be held this year in Florac /map/. Please view the informational letter prepared by Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse and Renaud Nadal: Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

Such, already traditional, meetings are important for establishing closer contacts between the Short-toed Eagle watchers from different regions of France and also of other countries belonging to the range of this magnificient bird.


Photographing Short-toed Eagle nest in Haute-Loire

Jun 12, 2012 / 1 Comment
JOUBERT B. 2012. Haute-Loiret

These photos, like previous ones, were taken by Bernard Joubert from his hide in Haute-Loire. This year is difficult for Short-toed Eagles because of bad weather conditions. Nevertheless in June the pair already has the chick and takes care of it with a great attention. Let’s hope the chick will grow up and will leave the nest successfully.


Northern Ukraine. Photo-documenting 2012

May 31, 2012 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2012. Northern Ukraine

Just like last year I would like to share some photos, which, though have not perfect quality, can tell something about different aspects of Short-toed Eagles’ life as here, in Northern Ukraine, so in general. Also like last year the photo gallery will be updated with new images during the season. Every update will be described in comments.