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Snake Eagles in human cultural interpretations

Nov 14, 2015 / Comment

The image of an eagle holding a snake : La Chaise-Dieu (France)The images of an eagle killing a snake is quite widely distributed and can be found in various works of art in different countries, with different cultural traditions, rather geographically distant from each other. Some considerations to this matter are given by Bernard Joubert in his short essay for the next issue of the La Plume du Circaète bulletin which is prepared for release in the near future:

• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Malheur des uns, bonheur des autres [Unhappiness of some, delight of others] // (Fr).


Reproduction of certain pairs within 10 years in Ukraine

Oct 31, 2015 / Comment

Comparative reproduction of Short-toed Eagle pairsHow different reproduction of different pairs can be? Some adult Short-toed Eagles occupy the same sites from year to year. They had yet been identified in 2011 by photos taken since 2006 and according to previous and new observations. The birds had got indexes A11, B11 etc. although, in spoken communication we give them more harmonious names: for example, K11 is Barry, B11 is Ospry, and so on. Then later pictures of the individuals repeatedly got into the annual photo galleries. The natural identifying details are general plumage patterns,PISMENNYI K. 2015. Northern Ukraine shapes of heads, wings, beaks and general silhouettes in flight from certain angles as well as signs of moulting. The number of the examined images should be enough to select the details and to collate them. Thus, now it is possible to compare the mean reproduction – Short-toed Eagle. file – of pairs of individuals identified from year to year for certain, definitely without replacements of mates and without clear differences in objective conditions for breeding.


Data on Short-toed Eagle in new birding DBs

Oct 28, 2015 / Comment
Circaetus gallicus by Oksana Raldugina on

The new birding database has been created this year for collecting pictures, geographical locations and other data of observations from Ukrainian birdwatchers. Among information on other species, it contains details of new records of Short-toed Eagles in various regions of Ukraine. The site has been made by Askar Isabekov and Andrew Simon as an analog of the well-known project for Kazakhstan that has already existed for 10 years. One more similar website is dedicated to Siberian birds. There is not any record of Short-toed Eagle on the last one yet; nevertheless, even isolated observations made at the edge of the species range would be of the great interest for ST Eagle researchers.


Post-breeding dispersal of young Short-toed Eagles

Sep 30, 2015 / Comment

This article, which was published a year ago and was based on data collected in the Cévennes National Park (Parc national des Cévennes) /map/, is available now on the Le C.R.B.P.O. website:

Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Pierre Maigre, 2014 – Dispersion post-natale des jeunes Circaètes Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Post-breeding dispersal of young Short-toed Eagles] // Alauda, 82 (2): 81-84. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).


Importance of natural habitats for STE in Israel

Sep 1, 2015 / Comment

The following new paper describes the relation of Short-toed Eagle population to the availability of natural habitats which are being used by them as breeding sites in the Judea region of Israel /map/:

• Ezra Hadad, Gilad Weil and Motti Charter, 2015 – The importance of natural habitats as Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) breeding sites // Avian Biology Research, 8 (3): pp. 160–166. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Thanks a lot to Dr. Motti Charter for sharing the file!


Fresh papers on ST Eagles by Guido Premuda

Aug 24, 2015 / Comment

Adult male Short-toed Eagle in flight. Photo by Guido PremudaSeveral new works on Short-toed Eagle have been published and included in Guido Premuda‘s Bibliography ( this year:

• Premuda G., 2015 – La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane: campo Biancone marzo 2015 [The migration of birds of prey in the Apuan Alps /map/: March Short-toed Eagle camp 2015]. Infomigrans 34-2015. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

• Premuda G. & Belosi A., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population increase in Italy: hypothesis of root causes // Avocetta 39: 13-17. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• Premuda G., Belosi A., Viviani F. & Franchini M., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population monitoring at the Apuane Alps migration watch-site (Tuscany) // Avocetta 39: 5-12. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


September Conference in Italy, the 2nd circular

Aug 4, 2015 / Comment

Please check out the 2nd circular with the full program of the September Conference on Short-toed Eagle and conservation of Mediterranean Raptors (It): Programma del Convegno “Sotto il segno del biancone” [Program of the meeting “Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle”] – Short-toed Eagle. file; the last corrected version of the second day’s agenda – Short-toed Eagle. file.

Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle

Our sincere gratitude to Francesco Petretti again!