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Comparative studies of migration and distribution

Dec 8, 2018 / Comment

The authors of the following papers studied Short-toed Eagles among other Raptors. Here are the results of those comparative studies focused on monitoring of migrating birds and on distribution constraints:

M. PANUCCIO, M. GUSTIN, G. BOGLIANI, 2011 – A comparison of two methods for monitoring migrating broad-winged Raptors approaching a long water crossing // Avocetta, 35 (1-2): pp. 13-17. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• J.L. TELLERÍA, G. FANDOS, E. TENA, R. CARBONELL, A. ONRUBIA, A. QNINBA, Á. RAMÍREZ, 2018 – Constraints on raptor distribution at the southwestern boundary of the Palaearctic: implications for conservation // Biodiversity and Conservation: pp. 1-17. (En).


The first breeding of ST Eagle in Romandy

Nov 30, 2018 / Comment

After the first reports of the breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Switzerland, the successful attempt was observed in Central Valais /map/ in 2017:

An unique photo: the juvenile Short-toed at the nest and an immature Golden Eagle / by Stéphane Mettaz• Raphaël ARLETTAZ, Stéphane METTAZ & Klaus AGTEN, 2018 – Première nidification réussie du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus en Suisse romande [The first successful nesting of Short-toed Eagle in Romandy] // Nos Oiseaux 65/3, N° 533: pp. 175-179. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

The article is available on the University of Bern website.


Staying in N France and migration in S Turkey

Oct 31, 2018 / 1 Comment

Two Short-toed Eagles together, Brassoir - 2016 / by Rémi MalignatHenry de Lestanville describes in his paper staying of 2 Short-toed Eagles at Brassoir in summer 2016 and the current status of the species in Picardy /map/:

• Henry DE LESTANVILLE, 2018 – Stationnement de deux Circaètes Jean-le-blanc Circaetus gallicus à Brassoir en 2016 [Staying of two Short-toed Eagles at Brassoir in 2016] // Avocette, 42 (1) – Revue naturaliste de Picardie Nature: pp. 3-8. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

An impressive number of ST Eagles migrating at Sarimazi, Southern Turkey /map/, in autumn 2018 is reported on the Egyptian Vulture New LIFE site: 10853. This raises a lot of questions about real strength of their streams from Eastern Europe. Many thanks to Gábor Papp for sharing!


Comparative ecology of Short-toed Eagle in India

Oct 30, 2018 / Comment

Diet and breeding site characteristics of six different raptor species, including STE, in Central India are compared in the following article:

• Satish PANDE, Reuven YOSEF, Federico MORELLI, Rajkumar PAWAR and Ram MONE, 2018 – Diet and habitat affinities in six raptor species in India // Avian Research, 9:36. doi:10.1186/s40657-018-0129-2Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

That is a region where Short-toed Snake Eagles have potential food competitors. Besides, data on their diet and habitats in the Indian part of the distribution area are of great interest in themselves.


Short-toed Eagle research projects in Croatia

Sep 30, 2018 / Comment

The following paper by Ivan Budinski established principles of the local Short-toed Eagle population monitoring program in Croatia:

• Ivan BUDINSKI, 2014 – Nacionalni program za monitoring zmijara (Circaetus gallicus) [National monitoring program for Short-toed Eagle] // Udruga BIOM. Zagreb: 10 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Hr).

The author is one of Croatian researchers involved in the project of GPS tracking of Paško, the local young Short-toed Eagle. The map of the bird’s migratory movements is available online and regularly updated.


Circaetus gallicus on Raptors ID website

Sep 29, 2018 / Comment

Circaetus gallicus, 3cy, October / by Àlex OlléThis WordPress site is dedicated to identification of Raptors in the nature. The main idea was to provide easy uploading various pictures of birds of different age and sex, then, to describe and categorize them correctly, developing in this way a rich database for Raptors identification. All photos of any species can be found by one click, ones of Short-toed Snake Eagle as well. Descriptions of sex and age-related features are in English and Catalan.


Records at the species range boundaries

Aug 31, 2018 / Comment

Immature Short-toed Eagle in UK in 2014, by Roger StarbuckSeveral records of Short-toed Snake Eagle at the boundaries of the species range were reported this summer. Local birders informed about observation of an eagle again in the United Kingdom, at Ashdown Forest /map/ in East Sussex: it was seen several times since June 21st. Unfortunately, the age of that bird has remained unknown. Four years earlier, a young Short-toed Eagle had been observed at Morden Bog /map/, near Wareham.

Photos of Short-toed Eagle by Liudmila Pozhidaeva on the Birds of Siberia websiteAt the opposite side of the range’s northern boundary, not far from Barnaul /map/, the administrative centre of the Altai Krai, a Short-toed Eagle was recorded this year too. Photos of an adult Short-toed Eagle female by Askar Isabekov on the Birds of Kazakhstan websitePhotos of it are available on the Birds of Siberia website. This time it was an adult bird, as well as the previous one observed in 2016. Also, this summer has brought many encounters with ST Eagles to birders in Kazakhstan, just enjoy the pictures.