Askar Isabekov has merged data from different birdwatching websites on the Birds of Northern Eurasia portal. This database allows to monitor appearing new pictures and observations of various bird species in several countries of Northern Eurasia, including Short-toed Eagles. At least 3 out of currently 12 regional sites were mentioned on HoverOverUs before.
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STE nests in Israel: the 5th year of live streaming
Mar 31, 2019 / 1 CommentThe live broadcast from a nest of the same pair of Short-toed Eagles living in the Judean Foothills /map/ has been renewed by Guilad Friedemann and the team again. This is the fourth breeding season of the pair we can watch in real time on the Israeli Birding Portal, and the fifth one if you include the live stream in 2015. The history of the current project and all video footages of Short-toed Eagles and other birds of prey available since 2016 can be found on the Israel Raptor Nest Cam Facebook page.
Please note: when the broadcast is unavailable just reload the page or revisit it a bit later.
Lozère and PNC. Report of J.P. and I. Malafosse for 2018
Feb 28, 2019 / CommentThe annual review of Short-toed Eagle monitoring in Cévennes National Park /map/ and Lozère contains the latest data and unique observations:
• Jean-Pierre et Isabelle MALAFOSSE, 2018 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc, résultats pour 2018. Suivi des Rapaces forestiers en Lozère et dans le Parc National des Cévennes [Short-toed Eagle, results for 2018. Monitoring of Raptors in Lozère and in the Cévennes National Park], rapport interne C.R.B.P.O./ P.N.C.: 12 p. – (Fr),
(En) {rough translation}.
Many thanks to the authors and translators (Ferenc and Gábor Papp)!
Changeable appearance of Short-toed Eagles in pictures
Feb 21, 2019 / CommentPlease look through the series of photos of Short-toed Eagles taken by Bernard Joubert in Haute-Loire /map/ in the past few years, showing the impressive variability of their appearance:
Snake eagle is one of the most elegant raptors in Europe. When observed at close range, one is amazed by the way it can change looks and attitudes. This can clearly be seen in these pictures taken in France (Massif central) in 2009, 2012 and 2016.
Bernard Joubert
Circaetus gallicus on
Jan 29, 2019 / CommentThe excellent online database contains high resolution photos of bird feathers, various statistical data on their dimensions, useful comparing tools which allow to identify species with high confidence. Also, you can add pictures of your own finds there. Specific information on Short-toed Eagle is available on the separate page.
Observations & colour-ringing in the Visegrád Hills
Jan 10, 2019 / CommentThis video footage was taken by Vince Schwartz. It presents the Short-toed Eagle pair nesting in the Visegrád Hills /map/ as well as the hunting of the male of an immature pair settled in the neighbouring Pilis Hills /map/ in 2018.
Please, read the more detailed explanation by the author:
• Vince SCHWARTZ, 2018 – Nesting of Short-toed Eagles in the Visegrád Hills in 2015-2018 // (En).
Many thanks to Gábor Papp for his kind help in preparing this post!
Monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in France in 2017
Dec 11, 2018 / CommentThe total scale of collected data in the journal of the ST Eagle national monitoring program in France is amazing and deserves special attention (Fr):
• Cahier de la surveillance 2017. Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Journal of the Short-toed Eagle monitoring in 2017] //
Thanks a lot to Renaud Nadal for sharing that remarkable review!