Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Photos of Short-toed Eagles of known age and sex

Aug 28, 2011 / No Comments
Photos of Short-toed Eagles of certainly known age and sex

Dear Circaetus gallicus lovers and researchers! Let us, please, invite you to contribute your photos ( of the Eagles of age and sex known for certain. These photos will be inserted into the special gallery which has been created on initiative of Francesco Petretti. We aim to make something like an online handbook to help to describe differences between sexes and ages of Short-toed Eagle and finally to make their field identification easier. Each contributed photo should be supplied with information, examples of which can already be seen below each inserted image.


Summering areas of non-breeding Short-toed Eagles

Jul 26, 2011 / No Comments

A new short report about summering immature Short-toed Eagles in Africa has been published. We express our gratitude to Ugo Mellone for placing the PDF version of it on his website:

Ugo Mellone, Beatriz Yáñez, Rubén Limiñana, A.-Román Muñoz, Diego Pavón, J.-Miguel González, Vicente Urios & Miguel Ferrer, 2011 – Summer staging areas of non-breeding Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus // Bird Study, iFirst: 1-6. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Short-toed Eagles in Ukraine. Photos of 2011

Jun 29, 2011 / 1 Comment
Short-toed Eagles in Ukraine in 2011
Although some photos taken by me this year in Ukraine aren’t of the highest quality, they’re interesting (at least in my opinion) and they can’t wait for the autumn to be put on the site. That is why the regular annual gallery is published right now in a bit different format. It is going to be renewed during the season of observations of Short-toed Eagles.

Konstantin Pismennyi
Shot in: Kiev Region /map/, Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/, Sumy Polissya /map/


Articles about Short-toed Eagle in Strepet journal

May 31, 2011 / No Comments

Thanks to the editor of Strepet journal, Viktor Belik, we can bring your attention to 2 detailed articles dedicated to Short-toed Eagles in Turkmenistan and in the North Caucasus which are published in the latest issue of the journal:

• В. П. Белик, 2010 – Змееяд на Северном Кавказе [Short-toed Eagle in the North Caucasus] // Стрепет. Т.8 − Вып. 2 − С. 34–59. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru) {rough translation}.

• Н. Н. Ефименко, 2010 – Змееяд в Туркменистане: распространение, гнездовая экология, современная численность и охрана [Short-toed Eagle in Turkmenistan: distribution, breeding ecology, current numbers and conservation] // Стрепет. Т.8 − Вып. 2 − С. 60–85. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru) {rough translation}.


Short-toed Eagle in the Zemplén Mountains

May 22, 2011 / No Comments
Photo by István Béres: Short-toed Eagle’s nest with a clutch

Thanks to István Béres and Márton Horváth we are presenting here M. Sc. Thesis on the Short-toed Eagle population in the Zemplén Mountains /map/. This is results of 25 years’ monitoring work:

• István BÉRES, 2007 – A Kígyászölyv (Circaetus gallicus) viselkedési és fészkelési szokásai a Zempléni-hegységben [Behaviour and breeding habits of the Short-toed Eagle in the Zemplén-mountains] – M.Sc.Thesis – Debrecen: 56 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Hu) {rough translation}.