Circaetus gallicus information navigator library

Mar 7, 2007 / No Comments

If you are interested in some documents on Short-toed Eagles in Russian you should visit a website of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia. We have told about this resource several times. The main subsection of the site is free electronic texts database, where you can raise a query for Circaetus and get the result as a list of texts dedicated to the species and also of texts with mentions of it (Ru)(En). There are 35 documents on Short-toed Eagle in all at the moment.


YouTube videos

Feb 18, 2007 / 1 Comment service allows to upload and then to watch different films upon different themes, and even allows to embed them in your own site. Now you can view there some videos about Short-toed Eagle. But if you want to get the most full result of the search, you should use the request not only in English, but in other languages too:


Text of Yves Boudoint

Feb 4, 2007 / No Comments

One of works of the oldest Short-toed Eagles researcher in France – Yves Boudoint /map/ – is represented below. This text describes some interesting details of biology of the species and includes notes on some traditional and untraditional methods of study:

• Yves Boudoint, 1953 – Etude de la biologie du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc [Study of the Short-toed Eagle biology] // Alauda, 21 : 86-112. (Fr).


Short videos. Aggregation and rodents

Jan 20, 2007 / 2 Comments
Flocking Short-toed Eagles with tractor. Video by Sameh Darawshi

Part with aggregation: You can see here the special phenomenon in my study area /map/, where many Short-toed Eagles flying over one field (aggregation) that is being worked up by a tractor, waiting for the prey (mainly rodents!) to be exposed by the tractor so that they dive quickly on the prey.

Short-toed Eagle chasing a rodent. Video by Ron Milgalter

Part with Short-toed eagle chasing a rodent: You can see here a Short-toed Eagle chasing a rodent (Gerbil) that has succeeded to get out of a ploughing, and after a relatively long pursuit the Eagle managed to get it.

Short-toed Eagle catching a rodent. Video by Sameh Darawshi

Catching a rodent: here you can see another part where Short-toed Eagle gets a Field Vole in his talons (you can even hear the rodent screaming).


Breeding in captivity

Jan 10, 2007 / 1 Comment

There are two short notes describing cases of Short-toed Eagles’ successful breeding in captivity in 2006 year on two different sites:

Grefa website. Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad

Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad – Enviado por: GREFA el Sabado, 15 de Julio de 2006 – 02:43 CET (Es).
Un circaète Jean-Le-Blanc nait en captivité – Agence France-Presse; Lourdes, France, Le jeudi 15 juin 2006 (Fr).


Updating the site with my research

Jan 6, 2007 / 1 Comment


First I want to bless the creator of this website for such an initiative. As a Short-toed Eagle lover and researcher I think we have here a great opportunity to exchange information and concentrate efforts in loving and understanding this lovely Animal.

My research on the Short-toed Eagle here in Israel /map/ brings a totally new aspects that are different or even contradict what is known about Short-toed Eagle in other places i.e. Aggregation and high rodent content in diet, also highest breeding density in the world.

I have replied positively to the creator of this website’s offer to give some updates on the Short-toed Eagle in my study area.

Hence, I am declaring that some updates would be added from time to time.

Any researcher or any birdwatcher, farmer or a field guy who has seen familiar phenomenon with Short-toed Eagle aggregation in his area is kindley requested to send a report to HoverOverUs • Short-toed-Eagle and to me at the following adress:

Best wishes,
Sameh Darawshi