Here is the next annual gallery of pictures taken in Kiev, Chernihiv and Sumy Regions of Northern Ukraine in 2016. Short-toed Eagles of local pairs monitored during more than 10 years are captured in them. All the birds are indicated in captions by a letter and a year of the first representation in photo galleries on our site, starting with A11 – the old, very striped and dark-spotted, rather small but aggressive female living in the Mizhrichynskyi Nature Park /map/.
Posts tagged ‘flight’
La Plume du Circaète n° 12
Jun 11, 2016 / CommentThis year’s issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète is currently available – (Fr) {rough translation}. The list of contents is in English (En) this time, thanks to Ferenc and Gábor Papp:
Environmental drivers of migration in STE and LLB
Jan 13, 2016 / CommentThe presented work is available on a website of the Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center. It is based on unique research data of Guilad Friedemann collected in period of 2011-2014. The main goal of the work was detection of the correlation between various environmental factors and migratory movements of Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards of the Judean Foothills’ populations /map/:
• Krystaal Moonchyld McClain, 2015 – Environmental Drivers of Migration in Two Israeli Raptor Species – M.Sc.Thesis: 106 p. – (En).
Flying and visual abilities of Circaetus gallicus
Dec 20, 2015 / CommentThe following two texts are dedicated to notable physical abilities of Short-toed Eagles and, like the previous one of Bernard Joubert, are going to be included in the next issue of La Plume du Circaète (Fr):
• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Performance visuelle du Circaète [Visual abilities of Short-toed Eagle] //
• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Quelques réflexions sur le vol [Some reflections on the flight] //
Northern Ukraine. Notable observations in 2014
Jan 31, 2015 / CommentObservations of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2014 which deserve to be noted:
• K. PISMENNYI, 2015 – Data on breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Northern Ukraine – , XLS file with formulas –
; Replacement of the biggest 14 flight feathers –
; Some short notes on Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2014 // (En).
Short-toed Eagles in flight. Northern Ukraine. 2014
Nov 22, 2014 / CommentThese fragments of Short-toed Eagles’ flights have been shot at their breeding territories and hunting grounds in Kiev Region /map/ and in Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/ this year. The video is commented on, please, pay attention on subtitles. You can see eagles A11, B11, K11 and L11 in the clip. Certainly, also other more melodious names were given them for routine use. These STEs occupy their breeding sites within the same home ranges from year to year since at least 2006 and 2010. For a regular observer every bird has obvious individual traits. The video without compression can be downloaded.
Short-toed Eagles over sea
Apr 13, 2008 / CommentDifferent videos of Short-toed Eagle are being uploaded to YouTube permanently. We told before about this resource and also we used it to insert videos into the site. As an example of the new accessions you can view this one. Watch please flying Short-toed Eagles on the background of the sea and see in detail their flight not for the hunt. Los Alcornocales Natural Park /map/.