Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Flying and visual abilities of Circaetus gallicus

Dec 20, 2015 / Comment

The following two texts are dedicated to notable physical abilities of Short-toed Eagles andNormal angle of inclination of Short-toed Eagle flying up, like the previous one of Bernard Joubert, are going to be included in the next issue of La Plume du Circaète (Fr):

• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Performance visuelle du Circaète [Visual abilities of Short-toed Eagle] //

• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Quelques réflexions sur le vol [Some reflections on the flight] //


Short-toed Eagle in Poland erstwhile and now

Dec 13, 2015 / Comment

August 3, 1935 : the snake is still alive and wrigglesThe articles about Short-toed Eagles in present southwestern /map/ and southeastern /map/ Poland are divided by about 80 years. Four of them, written by Viktor Zebe /map/ and published in the first half of the 20th century, have been placed on the Ptaki Śląska – Birds of Silesia website (De):

• Viktor ZEBE, 1933 – Beobachtungen an einem Schlesischen Schlangenadler-Horst [Observations on a Silesian Short-toed Eagle aerie] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 18: pp. 47-57. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Viktor ZEBE, 1935 – Weiteres vom Schlangenadler [More about Short-toed Eagle] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 20: pp. 28-33. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Viktor ZEBE, 1936 – Zur Biologie des Schlangenadlers (Circaetus gallicus Gm.) [Biology of the Short-toed Eagle] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 21: pp. 33-78. – Short-toed Eagle. file (translatable form).

• Viktor ZEBE, 1942 – Vom Schlangenadler, Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) 1936-41 [Short-toed Eagle within 1936-41] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 27: pp. 2-10. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

The next paper by Adam Flis is available on a website of the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS:

• Adam FLIS, 2013 – Występowanie gadożera Circaetus gallicus w Lasach Janowskich i Lipskich [The occurrence of Short-toed Eagle in Janowskie and Lipskie Forests (SE Poland)] // Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą, 69 (3): pp. 221–225. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Pl).


Aging and sexing of ST Eagles in the nature

Dec 7, 2015 / Comment

A typically coloured adult Short-toed Eagle female, photo by András KovácsReturning to the important topic of correct identification of differently aged Short-toed Eagles in the nature, Gábor Papp has tried to briefly describe the main characters of juvenile, 2, 3 and 4 cy eagles, and also visual differences between adult males and females. His description are illustrated with the corresponding images. Here is two versions of the text, Hungarian and English ones:

• Gábor PAPP, 2015 – A kígyászölyv kor és ivarhatározása – segédlet a terepi megfigyelések minőségének javításához [Ageing and sexing of the Short-toed Eagle – an aid to improve the quality of field observations in Hungary] // short-toed-eagle.netShort-toed Eagle. file (Hu), Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


White Short-toed Eagle fledgling in Spain in 2013

Nov 22, 2015 / 1 Comment

EL ÁGUILA BLANCA (Circaetus gallicus)This bird had been photographed by Javier G. in Peñaflor (the environments of Zaragoza city, Spain) /map/ in August 2013. Thanks to the author and to Javier Blasco-Zumeta we have the following information about that unique record of leucism in Short-toed Snake Eagle:

That absolutely white bird was born in a forest of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis), successfully left the nest, was observed in its territory until the end of September, and when it was time to start the migration the juvenile Short-toed Eagle flew away.

If the bird has survived, its return to Europe may be expected next year, after 2 years of probable wintering and summering in Africa.


Snake Eagles in human cultural interpretations

Nov 14, 2015 / Comment

The image of an eagle holding a snake : La Chaise-Dieu (France)The images of an eagle killing a snake is quite widely distributed and can be found in various works of art in different countries, with different cultural traditions, rather geographically distant from each other. Some considerations to this matter are given by Bernard Joubert in his short essay for the next issue of the La Plume du Circaète bulletin which is prepared for release in the near future:

• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Malheur des uns, bonheur des autres [Unhappiness of some, delight of others] // (Fr).


Reproduction of certain pairs within 10 years in Ukraine

Oct 31, 2015 / Comment

Comparative reproduction of Short-toed Eagle pairsHow different reproduction of different pairs can be? Some adult Short-toed Eagles occupy the same sites from year to year. They had yet been identified in 2011 by photos taken since 2006 and according to previous and new observations. The birds had got indexes A11, B11 etc. although, in spoken communication we give them more harmonious names: for example, K11 is Barry, B11 is Ospry, and so on. Then later pictures of the individuals repeatedly got into the annual photo galleries. The natural identifying details are general plumage patterns,PISMENNYI K. 2015. Northern Ukraine shapes of heads, wings, beaks and general silhouettes in flight from certain angles as well as signs of moulting. The number of the examined images should be enough to select the details and to collate them. Thus, now it is possible to compare the mean reproduction – Short-toed Eagle. file – of pairs of individuals identified from year to year for certain, definitely without replacements of mates and without clear differences in objective conditions for breeding.


Data on Short-toed Eagle in new birding DBs

Oct 28, 2015 / Comment
Circaetus gallicus by Oksana Raldugina on

The new birding database has been created this year for collecting pictures, geographical locations and other data of observations from Ukrainian birdwatchers. Among information on other species, it contains details of new records of Short-toed Eagles in various regions of Ukraine. The site has been made by Askar Isabekov and Andrew Simon as an analog of the well-known project for Kazakhstan that has already existed for 10 years. One more similar website is dedicated to Siberian birds. There is not any record of Short-toed Eagle on the last one yet; nevertheless, even isolated observations made at the edge of the species range would be of the great interest for ST Eagle researchers.