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Short-toed Eagle in northeast Greece

Mar 26, 2007 / 1 Comment

Let us draw your attention to a work of Dimitris E. Bakaloudis, Christos G. Vlachos and Graham J. Holloway on Short-toed Eagle in northeast Greece /map/:

• D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, 2005 – Nest spacing and breeding performance in Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in northeast Greece // British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Study, 52: 330–338. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

This text can be found on the Taylor & Francis Online website.


Text of Yves Boudoint

Feb 4, 2007 / Comment

One of works of the oldest Short-toed Eagles researcher in France – Yves Boudoint /map/ – is represented below. This text describes some interesting details of biology of the species and includes notes on some traditional and untraditional methods of study:

• Yves Boudoint, 1953 – Etude de la biologie du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc [Study of the Short-toed Eagle biology] // Alauda, 21 : 86-112. (Fr).


Short videos. Aggregation and rodents

Jan 20, 2007 / 2 Comments
Flocking Short-toed Eagles with tractor. Video by Sameh Darawshi

Part with aggregation: You can see here the special phenomenon in my study area /map/, where many Short-toed Eagles flying over one field (aggregation) that is being worked up by a tractor, waiting for the prey (mainly rodents!) to be exposed by the tractor so that they dive quickly on the prey.

Short-toed Eagle chasing a rodent. Video by Ron Milgalter

Part with Short-toed eagle chasing a rodent: You can see here a Short-toed Eagle chasing a rodent (Gerbil) that has succeeded to get out of a ploughing, and after a relatively long pursuit the Eagle managed to get it.

Short-toed Eagle catching a rodent. Video by Sameh Darawshi

Catching a rodent: here you can see another part where Short-toed Eagle gets a Field Vole in his talons (you can even hear the rodent screaming).


Updating the site with my research

Jan 6, 2007 / 1 Comment


First I want to bless the creator of this website for such an initiative. As a Short-toed Eagle lover and researcher I think we have here a great opportunity to exchange information and concentrate efforts in loving and understanding this lovely Animal.

My research on the Short-toed Eagle here in Israel /map/ brings a totally new aspects that are different or even contradict what is known about Short-toed Eagle in other places i.e. Aggregation and high rodent content in diet, also highest breeding density in the world.

I have replied positively to the creator of this website’s offer to give some updates on the Short-toed Eagle in my study area.

Hence, I am declaring that some updates would be added from time to time.

Any researcher or any birdwatcher, farmer or a field guy who has seen familiar phenomenon with Short-toed Eagle aggregation in his area is kindley requested to send a report to HoverOverUs • Short-toed-Eagle and to me at the following adress:

Best wishes,
Sameh Darawshi


Sameh Darawshi’s research

Dec 30, 2006 / Comment

This not big text written by Sameh Darawshi represents his project of researching Short-toed Eagles:

Sameh Darawshi, 2006 – Aggregation, movement dynamics and feeding habits of the Short-toed Snake-Eagle in relation to agricultural activities in the Judean slopes // (En) /map/.

This text may be regarded as a preview of the great and long-term research of Short-toed Eagles in the Middle East.