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Merged data on photographing Short-toed Eagles

Mar 31, 2019 / Comment

Best photos of Short-toed Eagle on Birds of Northern EurasiaAskar Isabekov has merged data from different birdwatching websites on the Birds of Northern Eurasia portal. This database allows to monitor appearing new pictures and observations of various bird species in several countries of Northern Eurasia, including Short-toed Eagles. At least 3 out of currently 12 regional sites were mentioned on HoverOverUs before.


ROJ articles: STE in the North Caucasus & Kyrgyzstan

Nov 27, 2016 / Comment

Two more texts dedicated to Short-toed Eagles were published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал) (Ru):

• М. П. Ильюх, 2014 – Змееяд Circaetus gallicus в Предкавказье [Short-toed Eagle in the North Caucasus] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 23, Экспресс-выпуск 1056: 3113-3115. The first publication: Ильюх М.П., 2001 – Змееяд в Предкавказье // Актуальные проблемы изучения и охраны птиц Восточной Европы и Северной Азии. Казань: 271-272. Please, have a look at Viktor Belik’s article dedicated to the North Caucasus as well.

The female Short-toed Eagle hovered over the nest• А. Б. Жданко, 2016 – Находка гнезда змееяда Circaetus gallicus у Таш-Кумыра в Джалал-Абадской области (Киргизия) [Discovery of the Short-toed Eagle nest in the vicinity of Tash-Kumyr in Djalal-Abad Region (Kyrgyzstan)] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 25, Экспресс-выпуск 1345: 3709-3714. /map/.