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La Plume du Circaète n° 5

Oct 26, 2007 / Comment

La Plume du Circaète on the LPO websiteNext issue of the La Plume du Circaète composite brochure has been released in September 2007 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}. In comparison with the previous one, which was printed on 12 pages, this issue is bigger, it consists of 16 pages of text and different images.

Please see the list of contents (Fr):

Suivi 2 »

Bilan surveillance 2006 2; Cas de variole 2; Cas de pasteurellose 2; Migration exceptionnelle 3; Suivi dans l’Isère 3; Suivi dans les Cévennes 4.

Observation / Conservation 5 »

Ponte de remplacement 5; Crises du logement 5; Nidifi cation à decouvert 6; Gestion forestière 7; Veille en limite d’aire de répartition 8; Inventaire des reptiles 9; Lien de parenté 10; Dilemme évolutif ? 11; Suivi par balise Argos 13.

Scandale 14 »

Tirs et électrocution 14.

Sensibilisation 14 »

Plan de restauration 14; Une belle histoire 15; Sites internet 15; Bibliographie 16; Rendez-vous ornithologiques 16.


Françoise Gérardin’s film, 2003

Apr 28, 2007 / 1 Comment

For the first time we present such weighty material as a 28 minutes film on the site. The video was made by Françoise Gérardin in Gironde /map/ in August, 2003 by digital video-camera from the special hiding-place at a distance of 23 metres from rather low situated Short-toed Eagle’s nest. Please read the introduction (En) written by the film’s author. Some single frames of the film are presented below.

Short-toed Eagle. Françoise Gérardin. 2003

Besides, you can download the video (.avi) file and subtitles (Fr):
Jean-le-Blanc au pays des sorcières. The subtitles (heartfelt thanks to Yves) can be used for the machine translation, if you need it.

Read the rest of this entry »


Text of Yves Boudoint

Feb 4, 2007 / Comment

One of works of the oldest Short-toed Eagles researcher in France – Yves Boudoint /map/ – is represented below. This text describes some interesting details of biology of the species and includes notes on some traditional and untraditional methods of study:

• Yves Boudoint, 1953 – Etude de la biologie du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc [Study of the Short-toed Eagle biology] // Alauda, 21 : 86-112. (Fr).


Breeding in captivity

Jan 10, 2007 / 1 Comment

There are two short notes describing cases of Short-toed Eagles’ successful breeding in captivity in 2006 year on two different sites:

Grefa website. Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad

Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad – Enviado por: GREFA el Sabado, 15 de Julio de 2006 – 02:43 CET (Es).
Un circaète Jean-Le-Blanc nait en captivité – Agence France-Presse; Lourdes, France, Le jeudi 15 juin 2006 (Fr).


Network in France

Oct 12, 2006 / Comment

In 2002 Jean-Pierre Malafosse /map/ and Bernard Joubert /map/ managed to unionize French Short-toed Eagle lovers. We would like to point to in a sense the composite work that is known by the name of La Plume du Circaète Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} and was realized in 2003 by the agency of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (source – LPO Mission Rapaces page). Now the second pdf-file – La Plume du Circaète #4 Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} is available too.


Old texts of Zebe and Gavrilenko

Sep 25, 2006 / Comment

This is the presentation of two old texts of the first part of the XX century. One of them was written by Viktor Zebe:

• Viktor Zebe, Oktober 1936 – Zur biologie des Schlangenadlers [Biology of the Short-toed Eagle] – Berichte des Vereins Schlesicher Ornithologen /map/. Just read the translation of it (Fr) from German made by one of the greatest adepts in Short-toed Eagles in France – Yves Boudoint.

The second is Nikolay Gavrilenko‘s work, that is mentioned in the first one:

• Гавриленко Н.И., 1929 – Птицы Полтавщины. Змееяд [The birds of the Government of Poltava. Short-toed Eagle] // Полтава: Издание Полтавского союза охотников: 28-30 (Ru) /map/.
Just download a scan of the part dedicated to all birds of prey on the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre website.


Bernard Joubert & Jean-Pierre Malafosse

Aug 5, 2006 / Comment

This is one more general information on the species:

• MALAFOSSE J.-P. et JOUBERT B., 2004 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin) 1788 // in Thiollay J.-M. et Bretagnolle V. (coord.), Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris: pp. 60-65. (Fr).

…but, Jean-Pierre Malafosse with group of researchers had traced more than 400 cases of Short-toed Eagles breeding just till 2000 in the so-called Massif Central /map/. And their researches are continuing. Just think about it…

Bernard Joubert /map/ is an author of the “Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc” book; see an extract from it (Fr) about the youngs’ behaviour after leaving the nests.