This video footage is made up of short parts shot in Northern Ukraine within 2017-2019 years during field observations at Short-toed Eagles’ breeding and hunting areas. The attention was aimed rather at various kinds of behaviour, including territorial conflicts, training of juveniles, individual behavioural features of particular birds.
Posts tagged ‘identification’
La Plume du Circaète n° 18
Oct 8, 2019 / CommentLa Plume du Circaète n° 18 – (Fr) {rough translation} was released and timed to the 5th Circaetus meeting in Gémenos; with full-size images (8.9 MB) –
. The list of contents:
News from Hérault
Many thanks to Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Renaud Nadal and all the authors of the bulletin for sharing their data and ideas!
Short-toeds in Northern Ukraine. Photos of 2018-2019
Aug 31, 2019 / 1 CommentThe photo collection of the previous year has been continued in 2019. All individuals have their unique index like K11m, where the last letter means sex: m – male, f – female, if it is known for certain. This is the continuation of a story in pictures of permanent annual monitoring of Short-toeds in Northern Ukraine which has been made for more than 15 years.
Articles on Short-toed Eagle on Natuurtijdschriften
May 26, 2019 / CommentThe Natuurtijdschriften site was already mentioned on HoverOverUs. Here we present to your attention some more articles published in different years and dedicated particularly to Short-toed Eagles:
• Bas VAN GENNIP & Bert DE BRUIN, 1996 – Nieuw voor Groningen: Slangenarend [New for Groningen: Short-toed Snake Eagle] // De Grauwe Gors, Vol. 23, No. 4: pp. 113-114. – (Nl).
• Arno IZAAKS, 2007 – Ruim vijf weken een Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus in de duinen van Meyendel (En) [More than five weeks an ST Eagle resided in the dunes of Meyendel] // De Takkeling, Vol. 15, No. 2: pp. 114-116. – (Nl).
• Chris VAN DEURSEN, 2010 – Slangenarend waarnemingen (Circaetus gallicus) in de regio [Observations of Short-toed Snake Eagle in the region] // Fitis, Vol. 46, No. 3: pp. 125-126. – (Nl).
• Willem VAN MANEN & Rob G. BIJLSMA, 2017 – Slangenarenden Circaetus gallicus in Nederland: voorschot op een broedgeval (En) [Short-toed Snake Eagle in the Netherlands: progress toward breeding attempt] // De Takkeling, Vol. 25, No. 3: pp. 224-241. – (Nl).
All documents with mentions of STE can be found using the site search.
Merged data on photographing Short-toed Eagles
Mar 31, 2019 / CommentAskar Isabekov has merged data from different birdwatching websites on the Birds of Northern Eurasia portal. This database allows to monitor appearing new pictures and observations of various bird species in several countries of Northern Eurasia, including Short-toed Eagles. At least 3 out of currently 12 regional sites were mentioned on HoverOverUs before.
Circaetus gallicus on
Jan 29, 2019 / CommentThe excellent online database contains high resolution photos of bird feathers, various statistical data on their dimensions, useful comparing tools which allow to identify species with high confidence. Also, you can add pictures of your own finds there. Specific information on Short-toed Eagle is available on the separate page.
Pictures of ST Eagles by Ildikó Baranyi
Dec 24, 2018 / CommentIldikó Baranyi is a wildlife photographer living in Romania. A lot of excellent pictures of the local nature are presented on her website. Among them you can find a photo-gallery dedicated to Short-toed Eagles. The eagles in intermediate and adult plumage, clear signs of the plumage replacement can be seen in the photos. All of them were taken in Romania, including ones of a 2cy individual summering in Europe.