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Publications of the Raptors Conservation bulletin

Feb 28, 2010 / Comment

Thanks to Igor Karyakin we have now pulications of the Raptors Conservation bulletin. These articles are dedicated to Short-toed Eagles or include mentions of them. The whole collection is divided into two PDFs by geographical regions:

• RAPTORS CONSERVATION. 2005-2008 – Collection of articles with mentions of Short-toed Eagle in KazakhstanShort-toed Eagle. file (Ru)(En) – 4.8 MB {rough translation}.

• RAPTORS CONSERVATION. 2005-2009 – Collection of articles with mentions of Short-toed Eagle in RussiaShort-toed Eagle. file (Ru)(En) – 14 MB {rough translation}.

Almost every article is bilingual, but some of them have English summary only, such as this one about Short-toed Eagle distribution in Nizhny Novgorod Region /map/:

Typical breeding habitat of the Short-Toed Eagle in the N. Novgorod district

• Бакка С.В., Киселёва Н.Ю., 2009 – Распространение и численность змееяда в Нижегородской области, Россия [Distribution and number of the Short-Toed Eagle in the N. Novgorod District (Region), Russia] // Пернатые хищники и их охрана – Raptors Conservation, 17. C. 121-124 (Ru).


Sameh Darawshi’s report for the R.S.G

Jan 21, 2010 / Comment
Final Report - 20/01/10. The Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation

The final report for the Rufford Small Grants Foundation has been made by Sameh Darawshi as a result of his three years’ work on Short-toed Eagles in the Judean Slopes, Israel /map/:

• Sameh Darawshi, 2009 – The ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean Slopes, Israel. Graduate Thesis Research report to R.S.G with Additional Aspects of Conservation and Education between Three Continents: 17 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Texts on Wiley InterScience

Dec 27, 2009 / Comment

The Wiley InterScience website database allows to find full texts or abstracts of articles dedicated to Short-toed Eagle. Here are two of 12 articles from the actual search results:

D.E. BAKALOUDIS, C.G. VLACHOS, G.J. HOLLOWAY, 1998 – Habitat use by Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus and their reptilian prey during the breeding season in Dadia Forest (north-eastern Greece) // Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 6: 821-828. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/ – the abstract was mentioned before.

ANTONIO-ROMÁN MUÑOZ, BERT TOXOPEUS, JAVIER ELORRIAGA, JUAN-MIGUEL GONZALEZ, BEATRIZ YÁÑEZ, 2010 – First record of a communal roost of Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus // Ibis, Vol. 152, No. 1: 173-175. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Papers and photos on the MEDRAPTORS

Dec 27, 2009 / 1 Comment
MEDRAPTORS: Photoalbum

MEDRAPTORSMediterranean Raptor Migration Network. There is a list of different publications on the site with a new one on migrating Short-toed Eagles. Nicolantonio Agostini, Ugo Mellone, Michele Panuccio, Giuseppe Lucia, Marco Gustin are its co-authors:

• Agostini N., Panuccio M., Lucia G., Liuzzi C., Amato P., Provenza A., Gustin M. & Mellone U., 2009 – Evidence for age-dependent migration strategies in the Short-toed Eagle // British Birds 102(9): 506-508. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).