Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at Italy in 2010

Mar 17, 2010 / 3 Comments
Short-toed Eagle (CIRCAETUS GALLICUS) / by PETRETTI F. 1986

The first Short-toed Eagle in Maremma /map/ was observed on the 5th of March in Ansedonia (Grosseto). On the 14th of March 1 pair was in its nesting territory in Tolfa hills (Roma)/map/: the male was performing a “wing flap display”. The weather now is fine but the temperature is low and approaches zero degree during the night. No snakes at all, maybe the eagles are able to survive without food for few days or to rely on toads?


Ciro Patricio Romero’s M.Sc.Thesis on STE in Spain

Mar 5, 2010 / 1 Comment

C.P.Romero's M.Sc.Thesis: Figure 3 - 20: Schematic diagram of model 8A

Heartfelt thanks to Ciro Patricio Romero for publishing his M.Sc.Thesis on our site! Relations between Short-toed Eagle population and snakes populations in Spain are examined in the thesis:

Ciro Patricio Romero, March 2010 – Examining the possible effect of forest area, abundance of snakes and snake species richness on the abundance of Short-toed Eagle, in Spain – M.Sc.Thesis: 110 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) {rough translation}.


Publications of the Raptors Conservation bulletin

Feb 28, 2010 / No Comments

Thanks to Igor Karyakin we have now pulications of the Raptors Conservation bulletin. These articles are dedicated to Short-toed Eagles or include mentions of them. The whole collection is divided into two PDFs by geographical regions:

• RAPTORS CONSERVATION. 2005-2008 – Collection of articles with mentions of Short-toed Eagle in KazakhstanShort-toed Eagle. file (Ru)(En) – 4.8 MB {rough translation}.

• RAPTORS CONSERVATION. 2005-2009 – Collection of articles with mentions of Short-toed Eagle in RussiaShort-toed Eagle. file (Ru)(En) – 14 MB {rough translation}.

Almost every article is bilingual, but some of them have English summary only, such as this one about Short-toed Eagle distribution in Nizhny Novgorod Region /map/:

Typical breeding habitat of the Short-Toed Eagle in the N. Novgorod district

• Бакка С.В., Киселёва Н.Ю., 2009 – Распространение и численность змееяда в Нижегородской области, Россия [Distribution and number of the Short-Toed Eagle in the N. Novgorod District (Region), Russia] // Пернатые хищники и их охрана – Raptors Conservation, 17. C. 121-124 (Ru).


Short-toed Eagle in the Badhyz Nature Reserve

Feb 7, 2010 / No Comments

Two old articles (Ru) on Short-toed Eagle biology in the Badhyz State Nature Reserve, Southern Turkmenistan /map/:

• Сухинин А.Н., 1957 – Материалы по экологии туркестанского змееяда в Бадхызе [Materials on the ecology of the Turkestan Short-toed Eagle in Badhyz] // Изв. АН ТуркмССР. №5. С. 133-135.

• Симакин Л.В., 1989 – Сведения по биологии туркестанского змееяда в Бадхызе [Information on the biology of the Turkestan Short-toed Eagle in Badhyz] // Изв. АН ТуркмССР. Сер. биол. наук. №4. С. 69-70.


Sameh Darawshi’s report for the R.S.G

Jan 21, 2010 / No Comments
Final Report - 20/01/10. The Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation

The final report for the Rufford Small Grants Foundation has been made by Sameh Darawshi as a result of his three years’ work on Short-toed Eagles in the Judean Slopes, Israel /map/:

• Sameh Darawshi, 2009 – The ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean Slopes, Israel. Graduate Thesis Research report to R.S.G with Additional Aspects of Conservation and Education between Three Continents: 17 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).