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Vladimir Galushin’s works

Oct 7, 2006 / Comment

We would like to bring an article of Prof. Vladimir Galushin to your attention. Now he is a head of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia and also he is a honorary member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The work is dedicated to the nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Ryazan’ Region (Centre of European part of Russia) /map/:

• Галушин В.М., 1959 – Некоторые данные по гнездованию змееяда в Рязанской области [Some data on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in Ryazan’ Region] // Орнитология. М.: Изд-во МГУ, Вып.2. 153-156. (Ru).

Circaetus gallicus. Illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov

And one more text (Ru), that is an extract from his book:
• Галушин В.М., 1980 – Хищные птицы леса [Birds of Prey of Forest] – Лесная промышленность, 160 c.
…with two illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov.


Old texts of Zebe and Gavrilenko

Sep 25, 2006 / Comment

This is the presentation of two old texts of the first part of the XX century. One of them was written by Viktor Zebe:

• Viktor Zebe, Oktober 1936 – Zur biologie des Schlangenadlers [Biology of the Short-toed Eagle] – Berichte des Vereins Schlesicher Ornithologen /map/. Just read the translation of it (Fr) from German made by one of the greatest adepts in Short-toed Eagles in France – Yves Boudoint.

The second is Nikolay Gavrilenko‘s work, that is mentioned in the first one:

• Гавриленко Н.И., 1929 – Птицы Полтавщины. Змееяд [The birds of the Government of Poltava. Short-toed Eagle] // Полтава: Издание Полтавского союза охотников: 28-30 (Ru) /map/.
Just download a scan of the part dedicated to all birds of prey on the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre website.


Igor Karyakin’s web project

Mar 27, 2006 / Comment

We would like to invite you to visit the website of Igor Karyakin: Russian Birds of Prey Researchers Club. General and some local /map/ information on Short-toed Eagle can be found there:

• Игорь Карякин, 1998 – Змееяд – Пернатые хищники Уральского региона. Соколообразные (Falconiformes) и Совообразные (Strigiformes). Пермь: Центр полевых исследований Союза охраны животных Урала / Социально-экологический союз: 180-189 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru).

• Г.П. Дементьев, 1951 – Змееяд (Circaetus gallicus) – Птицы Советского Союза, т.1. – М.: Сов. наука – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru).

(the source is a subsection of the site: Publications)

One more general description (Ru) (composed, in this case, by Igor Karyakin) is located in the subsection titled Articles on Species.


Short-toed Eagle in the North of Ukraine

Mar 11, 2006 / Comment

S. M. Zhyla‘s article about nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Northern part of Zhytomyr Region (North of Ukraine):

• С. М. Жила, 1999 – Про гніздування змієїда (Circaetus ferox) на півночі Житомирщини [Notes on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in the North of Zhytomyr Region] // Поліському природному заповіднику – 30 років – Збірник наукових праць, В.1: 89-93 (Uk) /map/.
– The summary (En).

Also see below an extract from the work of V. T. Afanas’ev dedicated to ecology of Short-toed Eagle and Booted Eagle in the North of Sumy Region (north-eastern Ukraine) and in the South of Bryansk Region (Russia); and just take a look at the maps to get a notion about geographical location of the both authors’ research regions:

• В. Т. Афанасьев, 1997 – К экологии змееяда и орла-карлика на севере Сумской и юге Брянской областей [Ecology of Short-toed and Booted Eagles in the North of Sumy and the South of Bryansk Regions] // Заповідна справа в Україні, 3 (2): 57-59 (Ru) /map/.
– The summary (En).


Vladimir Ivanovski & Dimitris E. Bakaloudis’ works

Dec 20, 2005 / Comment

Some links to V. Ivanovski‘s works concerning Short-toed Eagle ecology in Northern Belarus /map/ (all contain summaries in English):


• В. Ивановский, 1992 – Экология гнездования змееяда в Белорусском Поозерье // Современная орнитология: 56-69. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru) (translatable form) (source – website of the Working Group on Raptors and Owls of Northern Eurasia).

• В. Ивановский, 2002 – Змееяд в Северной Беларуси: настоящее и будущее // Беркут, 11 (2): 158-164. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru) (translatable form).
(source – website of the Ukrainian journal of ornithology BERKUT). The summary of this work can be found on the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls website: The Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in Belarus (En) – sixth article. At the same time, mark the first article on the list, that is an abstract of the oral report of another researcher: Dimitris E. BakaloudisAspects of the Ecology of the Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in Dadia Soufli Forest, NE Greece (En) /map/.


Short-toed Eagles of Kiev Region

Dec 16, 2005 / Comment

Sergey Domashevsky’s article about Short-toed Eagle population of Kiev Region (Ukraine) /map/:

• С. В. Домашевский, 2005 – Распространение, численность и миграции змееяда (Circaetus gallicus) в Киевской области [Distribution, numbers and migrations of the Short-toed Eagle in Kiev Region] // Заповідна справа в Україні, 11 (1): 45-49. (Ru).

Its summary (En) and illustrations:

Some photos of Kiev Region’s Short-toed Eagles and their breeding places:

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2005

And a water-colour painting of flying Short-toed Eagle made by an artist Igor Zemlyanskih: