Askar Isabekov has merged data from different birdwatching websites on the Birds of Northern Eurasia portal. This database allows to monitor appearing new pictures and observations of various bird species in several countries of Northern Eurasia, including Short-toed Eagles. At least 3 out of currently 12 regional sites were mentioned on HoverOverUs before.
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A couple of Short-toed Eagle stories from Belarus
Jul 31, 2017 / CommentHere are some brief reports about Short-toed Eagles in different regions of Belarus. The first one was prepared by nature photographer Pavel Lychkousky and contains a lot of beautiful pictures of the birds at their nest. The nest was found in the vicinity of Ivatsevichy town /map/ this year. The author of the second one is Denis Kitel, known Belarusian expert in local birds of prey. The north of Vitebsk Region /map/ is an area of his work now (Ru):
• Павел Лычковский, 29.VI.2017 – Один день из жизни змееядов [One day of Short-toed Eagle life] //
• Денис Китель, 06.VII.2017 – Красноборские змееяды: первые положительные результаты [Short-toed Eagles of Krasnyi Bor: initial positive results] // This story has a continuation which is described a little at the Film Studio «Aves» Facebook community.
Nesting of ST Eagles on an artificial platform
Feb 26, 2017 / CommentMarina Sidenko prepared this brief report about nesting of Short-toed Eagle pair on an artificial platform (Ru) {rough translation} in 2015. The platform was one out of 63 built in the national park "Smolenskoe Poozerje" /map/ in 2012.
Data on Short-toed Eagle in new birding DBs
Oct 28, 2015 / CommentThe new birding database has been created this year for collecting pictures, geographical locations and other data of observations from Ukrainian birdwatchers. Among information on other species, it contains details of new records of Short-toed Eagles in various regions of Ukraine. The site has been made by Askar Isabekov and Andrew Simon as an analog of the well-known project for Kazakhstan that has already existed for 10 years. One more similar website is dedicated to Siberian birds. There is not any record of Short-toed Eagle on the last one yet; nevertheless, even isolated observations made at the edge of the species range would be of the great interest for ST Eagle researchers.
Posts about Short-toed Eagle on the UBPRC website
Jun 29, 2014 / CommentA website of the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre (Український центр досліджень хижих птахів) exists since 2008. Posts dedicated to Short-toed Eagle have also been published on it. They contain texts, tables and photos. The main of them are represented below:
• К. Письменный, 2014 – Спостереження за змієїдами біля їхніх гніздових ділянок [Observations of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding sites] (Uk).
• К. Письменный, 2013 – Некоторые результаты десятилетнего мониторинга змееяда на севере Украины [Some results of ten years monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the North of Ukraine] (Ru) {related post}.
• С. Прокопенко, М. Бескаравайный, 2013 – Встречи змееядов в Крыму зимой 2013 года [Records of Short-toed Eagles in Crimea in winter 2013] (Ru) {related post}.
• К. Письменный, 2010 – Спутниковое слежение за миграциями змееяда [Satellite tracking of the Short-toed Eagle migration] (Ru)(En).
• С. Домашевский, М. Дравецки, М. Легоцки, М. Олекшак, 2010 – Результаты украинско-словацкой экспедиции на севере Украины [Results of Ukrainian-Slovac expedition to the north of Ukraine] (Ru)(En) {related post}.
• К. Письменный, С. Домашевский, Р. Ватрасевич, 2010 – Практика установки защиты от куниц на гнездовых деревьях хищных птиц [The practice of installing protection against martens for nesting trees of birds of prey] (Ru)(En).
• 2011 – Создание онлайн-определителя возраста и пола змееяда [Creation of online handbook for aging and sexing of Short-toed Eagle] (Ru) {related post}.
• 2010 – Опыт спасения гнезда змееяда [The experience of saving Short-toed Eagle’s nest] (Ru).
Rough translations from the original languages are available on the UBPRC website; please, use the special button in the top menu.
Birds of Kazakhstan
Nov 3, 2006 / 3 CommentsPhotos (1024×768 px) of Circaetus gallicus heptneri (© Askar Isabekov) and some information (En) on the traits of Short-toed Eagle population in Kazakstan. Also see the page dedicated to the nominal subspecies. The site has bilingual content now.
Vladimir Galushin’s works
Oct 7, 2006 / CommentWe would like to bring an article of Prof. Vladimir Galushin to your attention. Now he is a head of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia and also he is a honorary member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The work is dedicated to the nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Ryazan’ Region (Centre of European part of Russia) /map/:
• Галушин В.М., 1959 – Некоторые данные по гнездованию змееяда в Рязанской области [Some data on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in Ryazan’ Region] // Орнитология. М.: Изд-во МГУ, Вып.2. 153-156. (Ru).
And one more text (Ru), that is an extract from his book:
• Галушин В.М., 1980 – Хищные птицы леса [Birds of Prey of Forest] – Лесная промышленность, 160 c.
…with two illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov.